Befitting reply to boycott call, scribes celebrate Republic Day
Guwahati, January 26: Journalists and other patriotic citizens gathered in the 
Guwahati Press Club premises on Thursday to celebrate the Republic Day in what 
can be called yet another befitting reply to the boycott-mongering militants.
    Hoisting the National Tricolour, senior journalist Hiten Mahanta said it is 
the courage and determination of the people that has again and again foiled 
secessionist attempts to arm-twist the patriots not to celebrate the 
Independence and Republic Days. Because, at the end of the day, it is the 
people upon whose support insurgency survives. Without people’s support 
insurgency withers away. So, Army and other security operations are only one 
side of the story, Mahanta pointed out and added that insurgency is a failure 
because there was no taker among the people to the call for an independent 
Assam. Even the handful of journalists, who at one time sided with the 
militants, have now changed their tone in sync with the changed situation.     
     Earlier, senior journalist Rupam Baruah explained the significance of the 
Day and underscored the need to remember the martyrs who died in those days to 
make sure the fellow countrymen could live. Baruah also deplored the move by 
some circles to portray Jana Gana Mana, the National Anthem, as a composition 
by Rabindra Nath Tagore to eulogize George the Fifth. It was a great patriotic 
song dedicated to the people of India, he asserted.
   Later, a procession was taken out, where the participants raised slogans 
upholding the concept of the Indian nationhood and condemning all moves to 
denounce it. Those who attended programme included Nava Thakuria, Ranen Kumar 
Goswami, Mukul Kalita, Sabita Lahkar, Dhiren Baruah, Jagadindra Ray Choudhury, 
Soumyadeep Dutta and Kishor Giri.

----- Original Message -----
From: "" <>
Sent: Thursday, 31 March 2011 12:00 PM
Subject: assam Digest, Vol 68, Issue 31

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Today's Topics:

   1. Elections in Assam (Arindam Garg)
   2. Article (rupam baruah)
   3. Article (anitak goswami)
   4. (no subject) (anitak goswami)
   5. Re: Fwd :: Major Scams of North East (Babul Gogoi)
   6. let the party begin !!!!! (Ram Dhar)
   7. celebrations across India after the win (Ram Dhar)
   8. cricket madness -  just being essentially Indian :-) (Ram Dhar)
   9. video - frenzied celebrations in India (Ram Dhar)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2011 12:27:19 +0530 (IST)
From: Arindam Garg <>
Subject: [Assam] Elections in Assam
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

Dear All,
Elections are round the corner in Assam. Having spent most of my life outside 
Assam, I would be voting in Guwahati after a long time. I thought of penning 
down a few things on the elections?which may interest many of you outside.
1) You can?t open the news channels. Speaker after speaker is making promises. 
How I wish that even if they do half of it, a lot would be achieved.
2) You can?t travel. I made the mistake of visiting Arunachal for some work. 
highway was blocked by rallies. On top of that there was a call for Bandh in 
Sonitpur? District by the Adivasis and they were sitting with poisoned arrows 
the highway. A car of one marriage party was set ablaze. I had to wait till 5 
in the evening to move with an escort. The next day there was again a call for 
Bandh in entire Sonitpur District and believe it or not, the call was given by 
an aspirant of the Congress party who failed to get the nomination in his 
constituency. One man holding an entire district to ransom for not getting a 
nomination. Is there a law against this or this is possible in a democracy, I 
not know. 

3) Congress Office, Rajib Bhawan in shambles. First a bomb blast and then its 
own workers tearing it apart. Workers in the sense, ticket seekers who did not 
get their nominations and their supporters.

4) Himanta Biswa Sarma seems to be the star campaigner for Congress. He is 

5) Prafulla K Mahanta contesting from two seats. AGP?asking for votes in the 
name of everything but infiltration, the very plank on which the party was 
formed?and so many youths died and became martyrs. 

6) Sarbananda Sonowal, star campaigner for BJP. Intentions seem genuine, but 
sure what impact he would have outside Upper Assam Districts. Infighting is in 
full force in BJP like the other parties and yes their Guwahati office was also 
vandalized as well and of course by their own party workers.

7) Population of Ghy city has already gone down. Yes true. Businesses are 
suffering as the labour force comprising mostly of migrants has gone back to 
villages to vote. Not sure why they have gone early. Maybe for freebies being 

8) Good MLAs need to come in.Thats what all parties say.?The problem is where 
are they.Leaving aside a few, most of them are in politics for making money and 
not for any social cause. And I have not heard or seen any person being 
nominated who does not have a sizeable net assets list. For some MLAs, assets 
have grown by 3-4 croses in the last year.And that too in the publicly declared 
figures. The real nos may be very different.?So much for democracy.

Voting possible from outside. Do vote. Assam needs good people to vote and vote 
for genuine people. I know that it is easier said than done. I myself do not 
know whom to vote for in my constituency. There?s not much to choose.... 

Arindam Garg


Message: 2
Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2011 14:07:31 +0530
From: rupam baruah <>
Subject: [Assam] Article
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

*From The Assam Tribune, March 30, 2001, Wednesday*


Message: 3
Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2011 15:43:37 +0530 (IST)
From: anitak goswami <>
Subject: [Assam] Article
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8


Assam poll and ethnic 

Ranen Kumar Goswami


?? Assam is approaching yet another Assembly 
The fractured verdict in last Assembly polls and wafer-thin majority the
parties had got in the previous ones are a warning against making any 
forecast about the outcome this time around. Electorate behaviour wise,
pre-1985 Assam and post-1985 Assam are not the same. The Assam movement 
had started in 1979 ended in 1985 with the signing of the Assam Accord,
polarised Assam's society along ethnic and religious lines. It was quite
natural that the voter verdict would also reflect that. The 
visible in all elections since then, reached a high point in 2006. 

??? But before
going into that, let us pay a glance at voter participation. Here too, 
1985 was
a landmark. Voter turnout, since then has remained among the highest in 
country. Assam's electorate has arguably shown more mature political 
to the democratic process than many of the more populous, and perhaps, 
politically volatile States. In 1985, of the 98,82,684 voters,? 78,27,860 
exercised their franchise, the
turnout percentage being 79.21. In 1991, the number of voters was 
of whom 88,79,984 cast their ballots, the percentage of polling being 
74.67. In
1996, of the 1,21,19,125 voters 95,64,434 exercised their franchise and 
percentage of polling was?? 78.92. In
2001, the polling percentage was 74.63 as 1,08,35,651 of the total 
voters turned up at the polling booths. In 2006, the number of voters 
1,74,34,019; of them 75.77 percent cast their ballots. This enthusiastic
participation in the electoral process tells a very is significant tale.
gives a lie to the claim of those worshipers of the gun who say the 
people of
Assam have lost faith in Indian democracy. 

????? The Assam
movement leaders formed the Asom Gana Parishad (AGP) at? a
convention at Golaghat on October 14, 1985.
The polarisation in Assam's society began to show. In 1985 polls, the 
wave the
AGP piggybacked on handed it a vote share of 34.84 per cent and 63 
seats, one
short of absolute majority. The party had to secure the support of three
independents and welcome them into the party fold to enter the corridors
power. Minority leaders, opposed to the Assam movement, organised 
themselves in
a new party called the United Minorities Front (UMF). It secured 10.85 
per cent
votes and 17 seats. Emergence of the UMF was a clear signal that those 
opposed the anti-alien movement had a strong voice, loud enough to be 
heard in
the Assembly. The CPI-M got 4.48 per cent votes and two seats. 

???? In 1991,
the Congress, under the leadership of Hiteswar Saikia secured 29.93 per 
votes and 66 seats, while the AGP got 17.93 per cent and 19 seats. The 
Asom Gana Parishad (NAGP), the breakaway faction of the AGP got 5.45 per
and five seats. Emerging as an electoral force to be reckoned with for 
first time, the BJP got a vote share of 6.55 per cent and 10 seats. The 
with a vote share of 2.47 per cent got four seats and the CPI-M with a 
share of
3.85 per cent could lay its hands on two seats. 

???? In 1996, an
AGP-led four-party alliance captured power in the State. The AGP got 
29.70 per
cent of votes and bagged 59 seats. The Congress, with a vote share of 
30.56 per
cent, got 34 seats. AGP's alliance partners CPI secured 1.95 per cent of
and three seats, the CPI-M secured 1.94 per cent votes and two seats and
got 1.98 per cent votes and came out winners in five seats. The BJP had a
share of 10.41 per cent and four seats. In 2001 elections, the Congress 
the leadership of Tarun Gogoi bounced back to power securing 39.75 per 
cent of
votes and winning 71 seats. Its strength subsequently rose to 78 as 
seven more
legislators including NCP's three joined the party. The AGP had a vote 
share of
20.02 per cent and 20 seats and the BJP with a vote share of 9.35 per 
bagged eight seats.

??? Now, let's
have a closer look at the 2006 election. Here, we rely on a 
comprehensive study
by the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS) under the 
of renowned psephologist Yogendra Yadav. According to Yadav, the way 
voted in this election could be called a story of political and ethnic
fragmentation that had followed the Assam movement. The process reached 
logical culmination this time around. The Congress bagged 53 seats with a
share of 31.08 per cent. The AGP tally was 24 seats with a vote share of
per cent. The Bodoland People's Progressive Front (BPPF-H) got 11 seats 
with a
vote share of 3.72 per cent and the newly-formed Assam United Democratic
(AUDF) bagged 10 seats with a vote share of 9.03 per cent. Yadav says 
that now
the era of coalition politics finally arrived with the Congress falling 
seats short of a majority. The party benefited from a divided 
Opposition. The
swing against the ruling party was the weakest in the smallest region, 
Barak Valley, where it gained two additional seats despite a drop in 
votes. In
upper Assam, the CSDS says,?the largest region that has been a 
Congress stronghold, it lost 10 percentage point votes. But the party 
sitting on very large margins here, thanks to big wins in 2001 
elections. The
Congress managed to win 30 seats here, a modest loss of eight seats 
compared to
the last (2001) time.? 

???? What
happened at the roots of the society manifested itself in the electoral 
in 2006. Beneath it lay the ethnic fragmentation of the electorate. The
post-poll and the exit poll conducted by the CSDS confirmed the 
impression that
the AGP was the first choice of the Assamese-speaking Hindus, who had? a fear 
lurking in their minds that they might
become a minority in their own State. Among the Bengali-speaking Hindus,
CSDS shows, the Congress was nearly matched by the BJP. As many as 36 
per cent
of Assamese-speaking Muslims and 38 per cent of Bengali-speaking Muslims
for the Congress. An overwhelming majority of the Scheduled Tribe vote 
went to
political parties outside the mainstream. In short, each party appeared 
to be
an ethnic party. The AGP and the BJP secured 60 per cent of their 
support? from their core constituencies: Assamese 
Bengali-speaking Hindus. The AUDF secured two-thirds of its votes from
Bengali-speaking Muslims. For the BPPF (H), two-thirds of its vote 
comprised Bodo ethnic groups. Yet, the CSDS says, the only exception was
Congress, which secured? electoral support
from all communities. 

???? It is worth
a recall here that the AUDF was born following the Supreme Court verdict
2005 which declared that the Illegal Migrants Act (Determination by 
ultra vires the Constitution. A leading section of Muslims alleged that 
Congress had not done what could have been done to retain the Act. This
discontent crystallised in the form of AUDF. In 1985,? a
similar discontent had given birth to the
UMF. It is difficult to avoid the?
conclusion that the AUDF is the latest version of the UMF giving 
to a feeling? of? insecurity
among the minorities in face of
the continuous demand for detection and deportation of illegal 
foreigners. The
verdict in 2006 clearly reflected this feeling.?
Events as recent as the 2010 Barpeta violence over the NRC pilot 
triggered further polarisation of public opinion. We can safely predict 
the 2011 verdict will also bring this fragmentation to the fore. 

??? All this
does not mean that Assam's elections are only about ethnicities, though 
1985 onwards, it is playing a decisive role. Other issues like 
development, intra-party dissidence and factors like anti-incumbency 
also weigh
on the voter's mind. Big dams are another issue that can influence the 
decision this time in many areas. Militancy, talks and law and order are
issues. There are certain to be area-specific issues too. But the big 
is: will these issues decisively erase the boundaries of ethnic


( The Assam Tribune, March 30, 2011, Wednesday)???????? 


Message: 4
Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2011 15:45:56 +0530 (IST)
From: anitak goswami <>
Subject: [Assam] (no subject)
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

Assam poll and ethnic 

Ranen Kumar Goswami


?? Assam is approaching yet another Assembly 
The fractured verdict in last Assembly polls and wafer-thin majority the
parties had got in the previous ones are a warning against making any 
forecast about the outcome this time around. Electorate behaviour wise,
pre-1985 Assam and post-1985 Assam are not the same. The Assam movement 
had started in 1979 ended in 1985 with the signing of the Assam Accord,
polarised Assam's society along ethnic and religious lines. It was quite
natural that the voter verdict would also reflect that. The 
visible in all elections since then, reached a high point in 2006. 

??? But before
going into that, let us pay a glance at voter participation. Here too, 
1985 was
a landmark. Voter turnout, since then has remained among the highest in 
country. Assam's electorate has arguably shown more mature political 
to the democratic process than many of the more populous, and perhaps, 
politically volatile States. In 1985, of the 98,82,684 voters,? 78,27,860 
exercised their franchise, the
turnout percentage being 79.21. In 1991, the number of voters was 
of whom 88,79,984 cast their ballots, the percentage of polling being 
74.67. In
1996, of the 1,21,19,125 voters 95,64,434 exercised their franchise and 
percentage of polling was?? 78.92. In
2001, the polling percentage was 74.63 as 1,08,35,651 of the total 
voters turned up at the polling booths. In 2006, the number of voters 
1,74,34,019; of them 75.77 percent cast their ballots. This enthusiastic
participation in the electoral process tells a very is significant tale.
gives a lie to the claim of those worshipers of the gun who say the 
people of
Assam have lost faith in Indian democracy. 

????? The Assam
movement leaders formed the Asom Gana Parishad (AGP) at? a
convention at Golaghat on October 14, 1985.
The polarisation in Assam's society began to show. In 1985 polls, the 
wave the
AGP piggybacked on handed it a vote share of 34.84 per cent and 63 
seats, one
short of absolute majority. The party had to secure the support of three
independents and welcome them into the party fold to enter the corridors
power. Minority leaders, opposed to the Assam movement, organised 
themselves in
a new party called the United Minorities Front (UMF). It secured 10.85 
per cent
votes and 17 seats. Emergence of the UMF was a clear signal that those 
opposed the anti-alien movement had a strong voice, loud enough to be 
heard in
the Assembly. The CPI-M got 4.48 per cent votes and two seats. 

???? In 1991,
the Congress, under the leadership of Hiteswar Saikia secured 29.93 per 
votes and 66 seats, while the AGP got 17.93 per cent and 19 seats. The 
Asom Gana Parishad (NAGP), the breakaway faction of the AGP got 5.45 per
and five seats. Emerging as an electoral force to be reckoned with for 
first time, the BJP got a vote share of 6.55 per cent and 10 seats. The 
with a vote share of 2.47 per cent got four seats and the CPI-M with a 
share of
3.85 per cent could lay its hands on two seats. 

???? In 1996, an
AGP-led four-party alliance captured power in the State. The AGP got 
29.70 per
cent of votes and bagged 59 seats. The Congress, with a vote share of 
30.56 per
cent, got 34 seats. AGP's alliance partners CPI secured 1.95 per cent of
and three seats, the CPI-M secured 1.94 per cent votes and two seats and
got 1.98 per cent votes and came out winners in five seats. The BJP had a
share of 10.41 per cent and four seats. In 2001 elections, the Congress 
the leadership of Tarun Gogoi bounced back to power securing 39.75 per 
cent of
votes and winning 71 seats. Its strength subsequently rose to 78 as 
seven more
legislators including NCP's three joined the party. The AGP had a vote 
share of
20.02 per cent and 20 seats and the BJP with a vote share of 9.35 per 
bagged eight seats.

??? Now, let's
have a closer look at the 2006 election. Here, we rely on a 
comprehensive study
by the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS) under the 
of renowned psephologist Yogendra Yadav. According to Yadav, the way 
voted in this election could be called a story of political and ethnic
fragmentation that had followed the Assam movement. The process reached 
logical culmination this time around. The Congress bagged 53 seats with a
share of 31.08 per cent. The AGP tally was 24 seats with a vote share of
per cent. The Bodoland People's Progressive Front (BPPF-H) got 11 seats 
with a
vote share of 3.72 per cent and the newly-formed Assam United Democratic
(AUDF) bagged 10 seats with a vote share of 9.03 per cent. Yadav says 
that now
the era of coalition politics finally arrived with the Congress falling 
seats short of a majority. The party benefited from a divided 
Opposition. The
swing against the ruling party was the weakest in the smallest region, 
Barak Valley, where it gained two additional seats despite a drop in 
votes. In
upper Assam, the CSDS says,?the largest region that has been a 
Congress stronghold, it lost 10 percentage point votes. But the party 
sitting on very large margins here, thanks to big wins in 2001 
elections. The
Congress managed to win 30 seats here, a modest loss of eight seats 
compared to
the last (2001) time.? 

???? What
happened at the roots of the society manifested itself in the electoral 
in 2006. Beneath it lay the ethnic fragmentation of the electorate. The
post-poll and the exit poll conducted by the CSDS confirmed the 
impression that
the AGP was the first choice of the Assamese-speaking Hindus, who had? a fear 
lurking in their minds that they might
become a minority in their own State. Among the Bengali-speaking Hindus,
CSDS shows, the Congress was nearly matched by the BJP. As many as 36 
per cent
of Assamese-speaking Muslims and 38 per cent of Bengali-speaking Muslims
for the Congress. An overwhelming majority of the Scheduled Tribe vote 
went to
political parties outside the mainstream. In short, each party appeared 
to be
an ethnic party. The AGP and the BJP secured 60 per cent of their 
support? from their core constituencies: Assamese 
Bengali-speaking Hindus. The AUDF secured two-thirds of its votes from
Bengali-speaking Muslims. For the BPPF (H), two-thirds of its vote 
comprised Bodo ethnic groups. Yet, the CSDS says, the only exception was
Congress, which secured? electoral support
from all communities. 

???? It is worth
a recall here that the AUDF was born following the Supreme Court verdict
2005 which declared that the Illegal Migrants Act (Determination by 
ultra vires the Constitution. A leading section of Muslims alleged that 
Congress had not done what could have been done to retain the Act. This
discontent crystallised in the form of AUDF. In 1985,? a
similar discontent had given birth to the
UMF. It is difficult to avoid the?
conclusion that the AUDF is the latest version of the UMF giving 
to a feeling? of? insecurity
among the minorities in face of
the continuous demand for detection and deportation of illegal 
foreigners. The
verdict in 2006 clearly reflected this feeling.?
Events as recent as the 2010 Barpeta violence over the NRC pilot 
triggered further polarisation of public opinion. We can safely predict 
the 2011 verdict will also bring this fragmentation to the fore. 

??? All this
does not mean that Assam's elections are only about ethnicities, though 
1985 onwards, it is playing a decisive role. Other issues like 
development, intra-party dissidence and factors like anti-incumbency 
also weigh
on the voter's mind. Big dams are another issue that can influence the 
decision this time in many areas. Militancy, talks and law and order are
issues. There are certain to be area-specific issues too. But the big 
is: will these issues decisively erase the boundaries of ethnic


( The Assam Tribune, March 30, 2011, Wednesday)?? 


Message: 5
Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2011 08:33:52 -0800
From: Babul Gogoi <>
To: A Mailing list for people interested in Assam from around the
    world    <>
Subject: Re: [Assam] Fwd :: Major Scams of North East
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8


Message: 6
Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2011 13:29:18 -0400
From: Ram Dhar <>
To: <>
Subject: [Assam] let the party begin !!!!!
Message-ID: <snt125-w171625caf445e2267186a9ae...@phx.gbl>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

India beats pakistan  to enter World cup Final...
the game which stopped the entire subcontinent today .....

mood of  billion strong people  captured in these pics

sonia ,rahul all tensed

the most striking picture



Message: 7
Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2011 22:01:13 -0400
From: Ram Dhar <>
To: <>
Subject: [Assam] celebrations across India after the win
Message-ID: <snt125-w28d75b40f06c21a86500aae...@phx.gbl>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

pictures  : cricket fans  across India

twitter was  abuzz

A billion voices congratulate   our players



Message: 8
Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2011 23:57:05 -0400
From: Ram Dhar <>
To: <>
Subject: [Assam] cricket madness -  just being essentially Indian :-)
Message-ID: <snt125-w571e6d463d9ce1e6a7f0d4ae...@phx.gbl>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

interesting read


Message: 9
Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2011 00:33:18 -0400
From: Ram Dhar <>
To: <>
Subject: [Assam] video - frenzied celebrations in India
Message-ID: <snt125-w633f140bd45c0cc2cc7032ae...@phx.gbl>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

fun , fun.......... people have forgoten we have to still win the final !!!

Delhi -

IIT khargapur-

Indians in England



Ny times reports oncricket fever in  the city among the immigrants



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