Documentation for XPLINK and XPLINK64 is in the LE Vendor Interfaces manual.

Tom Marchant

On Wed, 16 Jun 2021 21:56:41 +0000, Richard Way <> 

>I'm rather confused about the requirements for converting an existing AMODE 31 
>"ordinary" assembler program to one that can participate in an XPLINK lp64 
>environment, and I'm hoping one or more of you can help me to clarify this.
>I found documentation here --> 
>, in section 4.2.1 
>starting on page 24 that tells me what the register conventions are in XPLINK 
>as well as the restriction that my module cannot call other modules (which is 
>fine, it doesn't.) That section also explains the required prolog and epilog 
>macros. Some of the information is confusing to me though - for example, in 
>one section it says all XPLINK assembler code must be "leaf" modules that 
>don't call other modules, then it talks about the DSASIZE parameter on the 
>prolog macro being used to "buy" a stack frame, and then adds that "XPLINK 
>leaf (Xleaf) routines may not "buy" a stack frame!" (emphasis mine.) This 
>seems contradictory, so I must not be understanding it.

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