Tony Thigpen wrote "stuff".

The opinions in that post do not reflect the requirements of an interface 

It is irrelevant what your routine is called from. The caller is 
responsible for meeting the interface, whether that be save area or 
parameter list or other data or environment. And if they don't, the 
problem is on them. And if they are not able to meet the interface, and 
you feel it important that they be able to do so, then you have not 
provided a suitable interface.

And just about everything else in that post is similarly off key.

The post does not show understanding of the intent of the information at 
offset 4. And that is surprising since this has been discussed so many 
No approach requiring the caller to identify something could have been 
done compatibly. And compatibility matters. A lot.

Dave Clark wrote
"Because how is the callee supposed to know how to treat the 
caller's savearea unless the callee knows how long the caller's savearea 

Because they have no need to do so. How many times do we have to go 
through this? .

It's a fully proper question to inquire how long is the R13 area provided 
by Rexx on a call. That should be clearly documented.

Dave Clark wrote 
"OK, so what you're saying is that I should do the standard updates 
to the caller's 72-byte save area and then do the BAKR instruction to save 

everything.  Finally, I only have to do RP to return to program based on 
the saved stack values.  Correct?"

No, not correct. Unless you like to waste cycles. And you do not use "RP". 
I could not tell if you mean "PR" or truly "RP".
You can use BAKR and not do the STM/LM at all.

Part of the z/OS linkage conventions explains what you can do if your 
caller is not known to be providing a 144-byte save area yet you want/need 
to save high halves too.
That situation/approach surely applies to zVSE too.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

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