Question summary:

*In the mLog function where ASSP does the NotifyRe comparison, does it make
sense to consider having ASSP look at $comment instead of the full $m
variable which starts with the timestamp?*

For a long time, I've had the GUI example of


in my NotifyRe configuration.  It has worked great, alerting me via email,
whenever ASSP logs a warning.

Yesterday, I got hit with hundreds of notifications of warning throughout
the day, but not because ASSP was logging warnings, it's because we got
slammed with a scam email with a subject that contained "warning:" with the
colon in the email subject.

To avoid this in the future, I figured that I could just prefix warning:
with ^ to match the start of the line, but my testing shows that ASSP
compares NotifyRe against the entire log line, including the timestamp.

I accomplished what I'm looking for by changing the line in NotifyRe to be:

^[A-Za-z]{3}-\d\d-\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d\swarning:

Might it make more sense to have ASSP look at $comment instead of the full
$m variable (includes timestamp) when it does the mLog function?  That way,
to match ASSP info, warning, and error lines, we wouldn't need to process
the more complicated regex compare on every line.
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