[Asterisk-Users] chan_misdn and passive BRI cards

2005-05-16 Thread Jan Louw
Has anyone got chan_misdn working with passive BRI cards yet? I've tried both hfc (hfcpci.ko) and w6692 (w6692pci.ko) cards, but when I start asterisk I get the following when chan_misdn is loaded: [chan_misdn.so] => (Channel driver for mISDN Support (Bri/Pri)) == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/misdn.co

[Asterisk-Users] mISDN error while compiling

2005-05-16 Thread Jan Louw
Hi, >From the chan_misdn readme: "Now I use Kernels > 2.6.9 and it works perfect. with kernels >= 2.6.10 there is a very litle bug in hfc_multi.c which causes the module not to compile, it can be easyly fixed by changenging pci_findsubsys to pci_getsubsys in code." Hope this helps

[Asterisk-Users] chan_capi, chan_misdn and chan_modem

2005-05-12 Thread Jan Louw
Could someone please comment on the current state of chan_capi, chan_misdn and chan_modem channel drivers in terms of functionality (echo cancelation, fax, latency etc) and stability. Specifically, which channel driver would be best for a passive PCI HFC or W6692 ISDN card. The chan_misdn wiki clai

[Asterisk-Users] chan_capi, chan_misdn and chan_modem

2005-05-12 Thread Jan Louw
Could someone please comment on the current state of chan_capi, chan_misdn and chan_modem channel drivers in terms of functionality and stability. Specifically, which channel driver would be best for a passive PCI HFC or W6692 ISDN card. The chan_misdn wiki claims that chan_capi distinguishes betwe

[Asterisk-Users] chan_capi and chan_misdn

2005-05-12 Thread Jan Louw
Could someone please comment on the current state of chan_capi, chan_misdn and chan_modem channel drivers in terms of functionality and stability. Specifically, which channel driver would be best for a passive PCI HFC or W6692 ISDN card. The chan_misdn wiki claims that chan_capi distinguishes betwe