Do we have any Visual Basic or .NET programmers out there? The reason I
say that is this. I would suggest that a program or application be put
together with Visual basic or .NET that will generate the config files for
you by translating what you want to do in telephony terms/jargon to
asterisk cofiguration terms/jargon. Maybe an FTP application be included
as a module to the application. Maybe even a test bed module that will
emulate your results without having to put the config files on the
asterisk box itself, lowering the risk of any complications that may occur
when making changes. How it would work is like this:
1. Windows application started.
2. User defines the variables within the application that pertains to
his/her  telephone service environment.
3. Any incomplete variables do not get written to the config file that
will be generated.
4. When completed setting up all available variables, the user can run an
asterisk emulation test to verify that the configuration is bolean.
5. Upon verification of a bolean setup, the user can create the config
files by pushing a "generate configurations" button.
6. Files could be written/generated to a directory specifically related to
the application that generated them.
7. Using the FTP module within the application, the user can migrate the
config files to * box. (Application can have a dropdown menu of possible *
boxes to migrate the config files to.)
8. Once the user has verified the correct configuration files in place,
the * box can be reloaded and physically tested.

Just my thoughts,

Steve Lane

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