Hi all,

I was gradually getting to grips with Asterisk at Home and had got things working with a voipuser account and three extensions (2 X-lites and a Sipura 2100) then suddenly all the extensions went down. Non will login...!

Have not got a clue why. Any ideas?

Also, as a side issue, I set up the voipuser account by setting up a blank trunk in AMP with the name 'voipuser'. I then set an outgoing route called 'voipuser' linking to the trunk. I then inserted the voipuser blurb in 'sip_additional.conf' and put a bit in 'extensions.conf' which got me up and running. The question is, If  I follow the usual help stuff they tell me to insert the blurb in the sip.conf and extensions.conf. When I do this I cannot connect as ther is nothing in the AMP panel for trunks and extensions. The way i've done it with the blank trunk and out going route sets up the bits in the AMP panel. Why does the many help stuff never mention about doing anything with the trunk and outgoing route and instead only tells you to edit sip and extension config files???? Am I missing something??




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