I have a pretty basic Mandrake 10.2 w/KDE 3.2 and I installed Asterisk-1.0.1-2mdk. I installed the source of main and contrib from ftp, so at the install time I accepted all the packages needed to be installed too.
The installation went smooth, but when I try to execute asterisk (#asterisk -vvv) I encounter few warnings I end with an error. At this point I didn't touch any conf file, I was only trying to make sure is working.
Can anyone please, to point out what goes wrong and what can I do?
Here is what I got form the verbose mode (Sorry, it's a bit long...)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] alix]# asterisk -vvvvv
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf': Found
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/extconfig.conf': Found
Asterisk 1.0.1-2mdk, Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Digium.
Written by Mark Spencer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/logger.conf': Found
Asterisk Event Logger Started /var/log/asterisk/event_log
== Manager registered action Ping
== Manager registered action Events
== Manager registered action Logoff
== Manager registered action Hangup
== Manager registered action Status
== Manager registered action Setvar
== Manager registered action Getvar
== Manager registered action Redirect
== Manager registered action Originate
== Manager registered action MailboxStatus
== Manager registered action Command
== Manager registered action ExtensionState
== Manager registered action AbsoluteTimeout
== Manager registered action MailboxCount
== Manager registered action ListCommands
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager.conf': Found
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/rtp.conf': Found
== RTP Allocating from port range 10000 -> 20000
Asterisk PBX Core Initializing
Registering builtin applications:
== Registered application 'AbsoluteTimeout'
== Registered application 'Answer'
== Registered application 'BackGround'
== Registered application 'Busy'
== Registered application 'Congestion'
== Registered application 'DigitTimeout'
== Registered application 'Goto'
== Registered application 'GotoIf'
== Registered application 'GotoIfTime'
== Registered application 'Hangup'
== Registered application 'NoOp'
== Registered application 'Prefix'
== Registered application 'Progress'
== Registered application 'ResetCDR'
== Registered application 'ResponseTimeout'
== Registered application 'Ringing'
== Registered application 'SayNumber'
== Registered application 'SayDigits'
== Registered application 'SayAlpha'
== Registered application 'SayPhonetic'
== Registered application 'SetAccount'
== Registered application 'SetAMAFlags'
== Registered application 'SetGlobalVar'
== Registered application 'SetLanguage'
== Registered application 'SetVar'
== Registered application 'StripMSD'
== Registered application 'Suffix'
== Registered application 'Wait'
== Registered application 'WaitExten'
Asterisk Dynamic Loader Starting:
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/modules.conf': Found
[chan_modem.so] => (Generic Voice Modem Driver)
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/modem.conf': Found
== Loading modem driver chan_modem_aopen.so => (A/Open (Rockwell Chipset) ITU-2 VoiceModem Driver)
== Registered channel type 'Modem' (Generic Voice Modem Channel Driver)
[res_musiconhold.so] => (Music On Hold Resource)
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/musiconhold.conf': Found
Feb 18 10:57:14 WARNING[-1211297664]: res_musiconhold.c:561 moh_register: Unable to open pseudo channel for timing... Sound may be choppy.
== Registered application 'MusicOnHold'
== Registered application 'WaitMusicOnHold'
== Registered application 'SetMusicOnHold'
[res_adsi.so] => (ADSI Resource)
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/adsi.conf': Found
[res_agi.so] => (Asterisk Gateway Interface (AGI))
== Registered application 'DeadAGI'
== Registered application 'EAGI'
== Registered application 'AGI'
[res_crypto.so] => (Cryptographic Digital Signatures)
Warning, flexibel rate not heavily tested!
-- Loaded PUBLIC key 'freeworlddialup'
-- Loaded PUBLIC key 'iaxtel'
[res_features.so] => (Call Parking Resource)
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/features.conf': Found
-- Registered extension context 'parkedcalls '
-- Added extension '700' priority 1 to parkedcalls
== Registered application 'ParkedCall'
== Registered application 'Park'
== Manager registered action ParkedCalls
== Registered application 'HoldedCall'
[res_indications.so] => (Indications Configuration)
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/indications.conf': Found
-- Registered indication country 'cl'
-- Registered indication country 'tw'
-- Registered indication country 'us'
-- Registered indication country 'au'
-- Registered indication country 'fr'
-- Registered indication country 'de'
-- Registered indication country 'nl'
-- Registered indication country 'uk'
-- Registered indication country 'fi'
-- Registered indication country 'no'
-- Registered indication country 'br'
-- Registered indication country 'za'
-- Registered indication country 'it'
-- Registered indication country 'us-o'
-- Registered indication country 'gr'
-- Registered indicatio n country 'ru'
-- Registered indication country 'nz'
-- Setting default indication country to 'us'
== Registered application 'Playtones'
== Registered application 'StopPlaytones'
[res_monitor.so] => (Call Monitoring Resource)
== Registered application 'Monitor'
== Registered application 'StopMonitor'
== Registered application 'ChangeMonitor'
== Manager registered action Monitor
== Manager registered action StopMonitor
== Manager registered action ChangeMonitor
[app_alarmreceiver.so] => (Alarm Receiver for Asterisk)
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/alarmreceiver.conf': Found
== Registered application 'AlarmReceiver'
[app_adsiprog.so] => (Asterisk ADSI Programming Application)
== Registered application 'ADSIProg'
[app_controlplayback.so] => (Control Playback Application)
== Registered application 'ControlPlayback'
[app_authenticate.so] => (Authentication Application)
== Registered application 'Authenticate'
[app_cdr.so] => (Make sure asterisk doesn't save CDR for a certain call)
== Registered application 'NoCDR'
[app_chanisavail.so] => (Check if channel is available)
== Registered application 'ChanIsAvail'
[app_directory.so] => (Extension Directory)
== Registered application 'Directory'
[app_cut.so] => (Cuts up variables)
== Registered application 'Cut'
[app_db.so] => (Database access functions for Asterisk extension logic)
== Registered application 'DBget'
== Registered application 'DBput'
== Registered application 'DBdel'
== Registered application 'DBdeltree'
[app_dial.so] => (Dialing Application)
== Registered application 'Dial'
[app_enumlookup.so] => (ENUM Lookup)
== Registered application 'EnumLookup'
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/enum.conf': Found
[app_disa.so] => (DISA (Direct Inward System Access) Application)
== Registered application 'DISA'
[app_echo. so] => (Simple Echo Application)
== Registered application 'Echo'
[app_festival.so] => (Simple Festival Interface)
== Registered application 'Festival'
[app_eval.so] => (Reevaluates strings)
== Registered application 'Eval'
[app_exec.so] => (Executes applications)
== Registered application 'Exec'
[app_groupcount.so] => (Group Management Routines)
== Registered application 'GetGroupCount'
== Registered application 'SetGroup'
== Registered application 'CheckGroup'
[app_flash.so] => (Flash zap trunk application)
== Registered application 'Flash'
[app_forkcdr.so] => (Fork The CDR into 2 seperate entities.)
== Registered application 'ForkCDR'
[app_getcpeid.so] => (Get ADSI CPE ID)
== Registered application 'GetCPEID'
[app_hasnewvoicemail.so] => (Indicator for whether a voice mailbox has messages in a given folder.)
== Registered application 'HasVoicemail'
== Registered applicati on 'HasNewVoicemail'
[app_ices.so] => (Encode and Stream via icecast and ices)
== Registered application 'ICES'
[app_image.so] => (Image Transmission Application)
== Registered application 'SendImage'
[skipping app_intercom.so]
[app_lookupblacklist.so] => (Look up Caller*ID name/number from blacklist database)
== Registered application 'LookupBlacklist'
[app_lookupcidname.so] => (Look up CallerID Name from local database)
== Registered application 'LookupCIDName'
[app_macro.so] => (Extension Macros)
== Registered application 'Macro'
[app_meetme.so] => (MeetMe conference bridge)
== Registered application 'MeetMeAdmin'
== Registered application 'MeetMeCount'
== Registered application 'MeetMe'
[app_milliwatt.so] => (Digital Milliwatt (mu-law) Test Application)
== Registered application 'Milliwatt'
[app_mp3.so] => (Silly MP3 Application)
== Registered application 'MP3Player'
[app_nbscat.so] => (Silly NBS Stream Application)
== Registered application 'NBScat'
[app_parkandannounce.so] => (Call Parking and Announce Application)
== Registered application 'ParkAndAnnounce'
[app_pickup.so] => (PickUp/PickDown/Steal)
== Registered application 'PickDown'
== Registered application 'Steal'
== Registered application 'PickUp'
[app_playback.so] => (Trivial Playback Application)
== Registered application 'Playback'
[app_privacy.so] => (Require phone number to be entered, if no CallerID sent)
== Registered application 'PrivacyManager'
[app_qcall.so] => (Call from Queue)
[app_queue.so] => (True Call Queueing)
== Registered application 'Queue'
== Manager registered action Queues
== Manager registered action QueueStatus
== Manager registered action QueueAdd
== Manager registered action QueueRemove
== Registered application 'AddQueueMember'
== Registered applic ation 'RemoveQueueMember'
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/queues.conf': Found
[app_random.so] => (Random goto)
== Registered application 'Random'
[app_read.so] => (Read Variable Application)
== Registered application 'Read'
[app_record.so] => (Trivial Record Application)
== Registered application 'Record'
[app_rpt.so] => (Radio Repeater / Remote Base version 0.17 09/13/2004)
== Registered application 'Rpt'
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/rpt.conf': Found
[app_sayunixtime.so] => (Say time)
== Registered application 'SayUnixTime'
== Registered application 'DateTime'
[app_senddtmf.so] => (Send DTMF digits Application)
== Registered application 'SendDTMF'
[app_sendtext.so] => (Send Text Applications)
== Registered application 'SendText'
[app_setcallerid.so] => (Set CallerID Application)
== Registered application 'SetCallerPres'
== Registered application 'SetCallerID'
[app_setcdruserfield.so ] => (CDR user field apps)
== Registered application 'SetCDRUserField'
== Registered application 'AppendCDRUserField'
== Manager registered action SetCDRUserField
[app_setcidname.so] => (Set CallerID Name)
== Registered application 'SetCIDName'
[app_setcidnum.so] => (Set CallerID Number)
== Registered application 'SetCIDNum'
[app_sms.so] => (SMS/PSTN handler)
== Registered application 'SMS'
[app_softhangup.so] => (Hangs up the requested channel)
== Registered application 'SoftHangup'
[app_striplsd.so] => (Strip trailing digits)
== Registered application 'StripLSD'
[app_substring.so] => ((Deprecated) Save substring digits in a given variable)
== Registered application 'SubString'
[app_system.so] => (Generic System() application)
== Registered application 'TrySystem'
== Registered application 'System'
[app_talkdetect.so] => (Playback with Talk Detection)
== Registered application 'BackgroundDetect'
[app_test.so] => (Interface Test Application)
== Registered application 'TestClient'
== Registered application 'TestServer'
[app_transfer.so] => (Transfer)
== Registered application 'Transfer'
[app_txtcidname.so] => (TXTCIDName)
== Registered application 'TXTCIDName'
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/enum.conf': Found
[app_url.so] => (Send URL Applications)
== Registered application 'SendURL'
[app_userevent.so] => (Custom User Event Application)
== Registered application 'UserEvent'
[app_verbose.so] => (Send verbose output)
== Registered application 'Verbose'
[app_voicemail.so] => (Comedian Mail (Voicemail System))
== Registered application 'VoiceMail'
== Registered application 'VoiceMail2'
== Registered application 'VoiceMailMain'
== Registered application 'VoiceMailMain2'
== Registered application 'MailboxExists'
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/voicemail.conf': Fou nd
[app_waitforring.so] => (Waits until first ring after time)
== Registered application 'WaitForRing'
[app_zapateller.so] => (Block Telemarketers with Special Information Tone)
== Registered application 'Zapateller'
[app_zapbarge.so] => (Barge in on Zap channel application)
== Registered application 'ZapBarge'
[app_zapras.so] => (Zap RAS Application)
== Registered application 'ZapRAS'
[app_zapscan.so] => (Scan Zap channels application)
== Registered application 'ZapScan'
[cdr_csv.so] => (Comma Separated Values CDR Backend)
[cdr_manager.so] => (Asterisk Call Manager CDR Backend)
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cdr_manager.conf': Found
[chan_agent.so] => (Agent Proxy Channel)
== Registered channel type 'Agent' (Call Agent Proxy Channel)
== Registered application 'AgentLogin'
== Registered application 'AgentCallbackLogin'
== Registered application 'AgentMonitorOutgoing'
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/agents.conf': Found
[skipping chan_alsa.so]
[chan_h323.so] => (The NuFone Network's Open H.323 Channel Driver)
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/h323.conf': Found
== Creating H.323 Endpoint
== Registered channel type 'H323' (The NuFone Network's Open H.323 Channel Driver)
== H.323 listener started
[chan_iax2.so] => (Inter Asterisk eXchange (Ver 2))
Feb 18 10:57:17 WARNING[-1211297664]: chan_iax2.c:7409 load_module: Unable to open IAX timing interface: No such file or directory
== Manager registered action IAXpeers
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/iax.conf': Found
== Registered channel type 'IAX2' (Inter Asterisk eXchange Driver (Ver 2))
== Using TOS bits 16
== IAX Ready and Listening on port 4569
== Loaded firmware 'iaxy.bin'
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/iaxprov.conf': Found
-- Loaded provisioning template 'default'
[chan_local.so] => (Local Proxy Channel)
== Registered channel type 'Local' (Local Proxy Channel Driver)
[chan_mgcp.so] => (Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP))
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/mgcp.conf': Found
== MGCP Listening on
== Using TOS bits 0
== Registered channel type 'MGCP' (Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP))
[chan_modem_bestdata.so] => (BestData (Conexant V.90 Chipset) VoiceModem Driver)
[chan_modem_i4l.so] => (ISDN4Linux Emulated Modem Driver)
[chan_oss.so] => (OSS Console Channel Driver)
== Console is full duplex
== Registered channel type 'Console' (OSS Console Channel Driver)
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/oss.conf': Found
[chan_phone.so]Feb 18 10:57:18 WARNING[-1267410000]: chan_oss.c:239 sound_thread: Read error on sound device: Resource temporarily unavailable
=> (Linux Telephony API Support)
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/phone.conf': Found
== Registered channel type 'Phone' (Standard Linux Telephony API Driver)
[chan_sip.so] => (Session Initiation Prot ocol (SIP))
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/sip.conf': Found
== SIP Listening on
== Using TOS bits 0
== Registered channel type 'SIP' (Session Initiation Protocol (SIP))
== Registered application 'SIPDtmfMode'
[chan_skinny.so] => (Skinny Client Control Protocol (Skinny))
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/skinny.conf': Found
Feb 18 10:57:18 WARNING[-1211297664]: chan_skinny.c:2584 reload_config: Unable to get our IP address, Skinny disabled
== Registered channel type 'Skinny' (Skinny Client Control Protocol (Skinny))
[chan_zap.so] => (Zapata Telephony w/PRI)
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/zapata.conf': Found
-- Automatically generated pseudo channel
== Registered channel type 'Zap' (Zapata Telephony Driver w/PRI)
== Registered channel type 'Tor' (Zapata Telephony Driver w/PRI)
== Registered application 'CallingPres'
== Manager registered action ZapTransfer
== Manager registered action ZapHangup
== Manager regi stered action ZapDialOffhook
== Manager registered action ZapDNDon
== Manager registered action ZapDNDoff
== Manager registered action ZapShowChannels
[codec_a_mu.so] => (A-law and Mulaw direct Coder/Decoder)
== Registered translator 'alawtoulaw' from format ALAW to ULAW, cost 1
== Registered translator 'ulawtoalaw' from format ULAW to ALAW, cost 1
[codec_adpcm.so] => (Adaptive Differential PCM Coder/Decoder)
== Registered translator 'adpcmtolin' from format ADPCM to SLINR, cost 1
== Registered translator 'lintoadpcm' from format SLINR to ADPCM, cost 1
[codec_alaw.so] => (A-law Coder/Decoder)
== Registered translator 'alawtolin' from format ALAW to SLINR, cost 1
== Registered translator 'lintoalaw' from format SLINR to ALAW, cost 1
[codec_g726.so] => (ITU G.726-32kbps G726 Transcoder)
== Registered translator 'g726tolin' from format G726 to SLINR, cost 99
== Registered translator 'lintog726' from format SLINR t o G726, cost 77
[codec_gsm.so] => (GSM/PCM16 (signed linear) Codec Translator)
== Registered translator 'gsmtolin' from format GSM to SLINR, cost 86
== Registered translator 'lintogsm' from format SLINR to GSM, cost 85
[codec_ilbc.so] => (iLBC/PCM16 (signed linear) Codec Translator)
Ouch ... error while writing audio data: : Broken pipe
Thanks in advance for your help.
The installation went smooth, but when I try to execute asterisk (#asterisk -vvv) I encounter few warnings I end with an error. At this point I didn't touch any conf file, I was only trying to make sure is working.
Can anyone please, to point out what goes wrong and what can I do?
Here is what I got form the verbose mode (Sorry, it's a bit long...)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] alix]# asterisk -vvvvv
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf': Found
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/extconfig.conf': Found
Asterisk 1.0.1-2mdk, Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Digium.
Written by Mark Spencer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/logger.conf': Found
Asterisk Event Logger Started /var/log/asterisk/event_log
== Manager registered action Ping
== Manager registered action Events
== Manager registered action Logoff
== Manager registered action Hangup
== Manager registered action Status
== Manager registered action Setvar
== Manager registered action Getvar
== Manager registered action Redirect
== Manager registered action Originate
== Manager registered action MailboxStatus
== Manager registered action Command
== Manager registered action ExtensionState
== Manager registered action AbsoluteTimeout
== Manager registered action MailboxCount
== Manager registered action ListCommands
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager.conf': Found
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/rtp.conf': Found
== RTP Allocating from port range 10000 -> 20000
Asterisk PBX Core Initializing
Registering builtin applications:
== Registered application 'AbsoluteTimeout'
== Registered application 'Answer'
== Registered application 'BackGround'
== Registered application 'Busy'
== Registered application 'Congestion'
== Registered application 'DigitTimeout'
== Registered application 'Goto'
== Registered application 'GotoIf'
== Registered application 'GotoIfTime'
== Registered application 'Hangup'
== Registered application 'NoOp'
== Registered application 'Prefix'
== Registered application 'Progress'
== Registered application 'ResetCDR'
== Registered application 'ResponseTimeout'
== Registered application 'Ringing'
== Registered application 'SayNumber'
== Registered application 'SayDigits'
== Registered application 'SayAlpha'
== Registered application 'SayPhonetic'
== Registered application 'SetAccount'
== Registered application 'SetAMAFlags'
== Registered application 'SetGlobalVar'
== Registered application 'SetLanguage'
== Registered application 'SetVar'
== Registered application 'StripMSD'
== Registered application 'Suffix'
== Registered application 'Wait'
== Registered application 'WaitExten'
Asterisk Dynamic Loader Starting:
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/modules.conf': Found
[chan_modem.so] => (Generic Voice Modem Driver)
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/modem.conf': Found
== Loading modem driver chan_modem_aopen.so => (A/Open (Rockwell Chipset) ITU-2 VoiceModem Driver)
== Registered channel type 'Modem' (Generic Voice Modem Channel Driver)
[res_musiconhold.so] => (Music On Hold Resource)
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/musiconhold.conf': Found
Feb 18 10:57:14 WARNING[-1211297664]: res_musiconhold.c:561 moh_register: Unable to open pseudo channel for timing... Sound may be choppy.
== Registered application 'MusicOnHold'
== Registered application 'WaitMusicOnHold'
== Registered application 'SetMusicOnHold'
[res_adsi.so] => (ADSI Resource)
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/adsi.conf': Found
[res_agi.so] => (Asterisk Gateway Interface (AGI))
== Registered application 'DeadAGI'
== Registered application 'EAGI'
== Registered application 'AGI'
[res_crypto.so] => (Cryptographic Digital Signatures)
Warning, flexibel rate not heavily tested!
-- Loaded PUBLIC key 'freeworlddialup'
-- Loaded PUBLIC key 'iaxtel'
[res_features.so] => (Call Parking Resource)
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/features.conf': Found
-- Registered extension context 'parkedcalls '
-- Added extension '700' priority 1 to parkedcalls
== Registered application 'ParkedCall'
== Registered application 'Park'
== Manager registered action ParkedCalls
== Registered application 'HoldedCall'
[res_indications.so] => (Indications Configuration)
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/indications.conf': Found
-- Registered indication country 'cl'
-- Registered indication country 'tw'
-- Registered indication country 'us'
-- Registered indication country 'au'
-- Registered indication country 'fr'
-- Registered indication country 'de'
-- Registered indication country 'nl'
-- Registered indication country 'uk'
-- Registered indication country 'fi'
-- Registered indication country 'no'
-- Registered indication country 'br'
-- Registered indication country 'za'
-- Registered indication country 'it'
-- Registered indication country 'us-o'
-- Registered indication country 'gr'
-- Registered indicatio n country 'ru'
-- Registered indication country 'nz'
-- Setting default indication country to 'us'
== Registered application 'Playtones'
== Registered application 'StopPlaytones'
[res_monitor.so] => (Call Monitoring Resource)
== Registered application 'Monitor'
== Registered application 'StopMonitor'
== Registered application 'ChangeMonitor'
== Manager registered action Monitor
== Manager registered action StopMonitor
== Manager registered action ChangeMonitor
[app_alarmreceiver.so] => (Alarm Receiver for Asterisk)
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/alarmreceiver.conf': Found
== Registered application 'AlarmReceiver'
[app_adsiprog.so] => (Asterisk ADSI Programming Application)
== Registered application 'ADSIProg'
[app_controlplayback.so] => (Control Playback Application)
== Registered application 'ControlPlayback'
[app_authenticate.so] => (Authentication Application)
== Registered application 'Authenticate'
[app_cdr.so] => (Make sure asterisk doesn't save CDR for a certain call)
== Registered application 'NoCDR'
[app_chanisavail.so] => (Check if channel is available)
== Registered application 'ChanIsAvail'
[app_directory.so] => (Extension Directory)
== Registered application 'Directory'
[app_cut.so] => (Cuts up variables)
== Registered application 'Cut'
[app_db.so] => (Database access functions for Asterisk extension logic)
== Registered application 'DBget'
== Registered application 'DBput'
== Registered application 'DBdel'
== Registered application 'DBdeltree'
[app_dial.so] => (Dialing Application)
== Registered application 'Dial'
[app_enumlookup.so] => (ENUM Lookup)
== Registered application 'EnumLookup'
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/enum.conf': Found
[app_disa.so] => (DISA (Direct Inward System Access) Application)
== Registered application 'DISA'
[app_echo. so] => (Simple Echo Application)
== Registered application 'Echo'
[app_festival.so] => (Simple Festival Interface)
== Registered application 'Festival'
[app_eval.so] => (Reevaluates strings)
== Registered application 'Eval'
[app_exec.so] => (Executes applications)
== Registered application 'Exec'
[app_groupcount.so] => (Group Management Routines)
== Registered application 'GetGroupCount'
== Registered application 'SetGroup'
== Registered application 'CheckGroup'
[app_flash.so] => (Flash zap trunk application)
== Registered application 'Flash'
[app_forkcdr.so] => (Fork The CDR into 2 seperate entities.)
== Registered application 'ForkCDR'
[app_getcpeid.so] => (Get ADSI CPE ID)
== Registered application 'GetCPEID'
[app_hasnewvoicemail.so] => (Indicator for whether a voice mailbox has messages in a given folder.)
== Registered application 'HasVoicemail'
== Registered applicati on 'HasNewVoicemail'
[app_ices.so] => (Encode and Stream via icecast and ices)
== Registered application 'ICES'
[app_image.so] => (Image Transmission Application)
== Registered application 'SendImage'
[skipping app_intercom.so]
[app_lookupblacklist.so] => (Look up Caller*ID name/number from blacklist database)
== Registered application 'LookupBlacklist'
[app_lookupcidname.so] => (Look up CallerID Name from local database)
== Registered application 'LookupCIDName'
[app_macro.so] => (Extension Macros)
== Registered application 'Macro'
[app_meetme.so] => (MeetMe conference bridge)
== Registered application 'MeetMeAdmin'
== Registered application 'MeetMeCount'
== Registered application 'MeetMe'
[app_milliwatt.so] => (Digital Milliwatt (mu-law) Test Application)
== Registered application 'Milliwatt'
[app_mp3.so] => (Silly MP3 Application)
== Registered application 'MP3Player'
[app_nbscat.so] => (Silly NBS Stream Application)
== Registered application 'NBScat'
[app_parkandannounce.so] => (Call Parking and Announce Application)
== Registered application 'ParkAndAnnounce'
[app_pickup.so] => (PickUp/PickDown/Steal)
== Registered application 'PickDown'
== Registered application 'Steal'
== Registered application 'PickUp'
[app_playback.so] => (Trivial Playback Application)
== Registered application 'Playback'
[app_privacy.so] => (Require phone number to be entered, if no CallerID sent)
== Registered application 'PrivacyManager'
[app_qcall.so] => (Call from Queue)
[app_queue.so] => (True Call Queueing)
== Registered application 'Queue'
== Manager registered action Queues
== Manager registered action QueueStatus
== Manager registered action QueueAdd
== Manager registered action QueueRemove
== Registered application 'AddQueueMember'
== Registered applic ation 'RemoveQueueMember'
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/queues.conf': Found
[app_random.so] => (Random goto)
== Registered application 'Random'
[app_read.so] => (Read Variable Application)
== Registered application 'Read'
[app_record.so] => (Trivial Record Application)
== Registered application 'Record'
[app_rpt.so] => (Radio Repeater / Remote Base version 0.17 09/13/2004)
== Registered application 'Rpt'
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/rpt.conf': Found
[app_sayunixtime.so] => (Say time)
== Registered application 'SayUnixTime'
== Registered application 'DateTime'
[app_senddtmf.so] => (Send DTMF digits Application)
== Registered application 'SendDTMF'
[app_sendtext.so] => (Send Text Applications)
== Registered application 'SendText'
[app_setcallerid.so] => (Set CallerID Application)
== Registered application 'SetCallerPres'
== Registered application 'SetCallerID'
[app_setcdruserfield.so ] => (CDR user field apps)
== Registered application 'SetCDRUserField'
== Registered application 'AppendCDRUserField'
== Manager registered action SetCDRUserField
[app_setcidname.so] => (Set CallerID Name)
== Registered application 'SetCIDName'
[app_setcidnum.so] => (Set CallerID Number)
== Registered application 'SetCIDNum'
[app_sms.so] => (SMS/PSTN handler)
== Registered application 'SMS'
[app_softhangup.so] => (Hangs up the requested channel)
== Registered application 'SoftHangup'
[app_striplsd.so] => (Strip trailing digits)
== Registered application 'StripLSD'
[app_substring.so] => ((Deprecated) Save substring digits in a given variable)
== Registered application 'SubString'
[app_system.so] => (Generic System() application)
== Registered application 'TrySystem'
== Registered application 'System'
[app_talkdetect.so] => (Playback with Talk Detection)
== Registered application 'BackgroundDetect'
[app_test.so] => (Interface Test Application)
== Registered application 'TestClient'
== Registered application 'TestServer'
[app_transfer.so] => (Transfer)
== Registered application 'Transfer'
[app_txtcidname.so] => (TXTCIDName)
== Registered application 'TXTCIDName'
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/enum.conf': Found
[app_url.so] => (Send URL Applications)
== Registered application 'SendURL'
[app_userevent.so] => (Custom User Event Application)
== Registered application 'UserEvent'
[app_verbose.so] => (Send verbose output)
== Registered application 'Verbose'
[app_voicemail.so] => (Comedian Mail (Voicemail System))
== Registered application 'VoiceMail'
== Registered application 'VoiceMail2'
== Registered application 'VoiceMailMain'
== Registered application 'VoiceMailMain2'
== Registered application 'MailboxExists'
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/voicemail.conf': Fou nd
[app_waitforring.so] => (Waits until first ring after time)
== Registered application 'WaitForRing'
[app_zapateller.so] => (Block Telemarketers with Special Information Tone)
== Registered application 'Zapateller'
[app_zapbarge.so] => (Barge in on Zap channel application)
== Registered application 'ZapBarge'
[app_zapras.so] => (Zap RAS Application)
== Registered application 'ZapRAS'
[app_zapscan.so] => (Scan Zap channels application)
== Registered application 'ZapScan'
[cdr_csv.so] => (Comma Separated Values CDR Backend)
[cdr_manager.so] => (Asterisk Call Manager CDR Backend)
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cdr_manager.conf': Found
[chan_agent.so] => (Agent Proxy Channel)
== Registered channel type 'Agent' (Call Agent Proxy Channel)
== Registered application 'AgentLogin'
== Registered application 'AgentCallbackLogin'
== Registered application 'AgentMonitorOutgoing'
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/agents.conf': Found
[skipping chan_alsa.so]
[chan_h323.so] => (The NuFone Network's Open H.323 Channel Driver)
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/h323.conf': Found
== Creating H.323 Endpoint
== Registered channel type 'H323' (The NuFone Network's Open H.323 Channel Driver)
== H.323 listener started
[chan_iax2.so] => (Inter Asterisk eXchange (Ver 2))
Feb 18 10:57:17 WARNING[-1211297664]: chan_iax2.c:7409 load_module: Unable to open IAX timing interface: No such file or directory
== Manager registered action IAXpeers
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/iax.conf': Found
== Registered channel type 'IAX2' (Inter Asterisk eXchange Driver (Ver 2))
== Using TOS bits 16
== IAX Ready and Listening on port 4569
== Loaded firmware 'iaxy.bin'
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/iaxprov.conf': Found
-- Loaded provisioning template 'default'
[chan_local.so] => (Local Proxy Channel)
== Registered channel type 'Local' (Local Proxy Channel Driver)
[chan_mgcp.so] => (Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP))
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/mgcp.conf': Found
== MGCP Listening on
== Using TOS bits 0
== Registered channel type 'MGCP' (Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP))
[chan_modem_bestdata.so] => (BestData (Conexant V.90 Chipset) VoiceModem Driver)
[chan_modem_i4l.so] => (ISDN4Linux Emulated Modem Driver)
[chan_oss.so] => (OSS Console Channel Driver)
== Console is full duplex
== Registered channel type 'Console' (OSS Console Channel Driver)
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/oss.conf': Found
[chan_phone.so]Feb 18 10:57:18 WARNING[-1267410000]: chan_oss.c:239 sound_thread: Read error on sound device: Resource temporarily unavailable
=> (Linux Telephony API Support)
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/phone.conf': Found
== Registered channel type 'Phone' (Standard Linux Telephony API Driver)
[chan_sip.so] => (Session Initiation Prot ocol (SIP))
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/sip.conf': Found
== SIP Listening on
== Using TOS bits 0
== Registered channel type 'SIP' (Session Initiation Protocol (SIP))
== Registered application 'SIPDtmfMode'
[chan_skinny.so] => (Skinny Client Control Protocol (Skinny))
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/skinny.conf': Found
Feb 18 10:57:18 WARNING[-1211297664]: chan_skinny.c:2584 reload_config: Unable to get our IP address, Skinny disabled
== Registered channel type 'Skinny' (Skinny Client Control Protocol (Skinny))
[chan_zap.so] => (Zapata Telephony w/PRI)
== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/zapata.conf': Found
-- Automatically generated pseudo channel
== Registered channel type 'Zap' (Zapata Telephony Driver w/PRI)
== Registered channel type 'Tor' (Zapata Telephony Driver w/PRI)
== Registered application 'CallingPres'
== Manager registered action ZapTransfer
== Manager registered action ZapHangup
== Manager regi stered action ZapDialOffhook
== Manager registered action ZapDNDon
== Manager registered action ZapDNDoff
== Manager registered action ZapShowChannels
[codec_a_mu.so] => (A-law and Mulaw direct Coder/Decoder)
== Registered translator 'alawtoulaw' from format ALAW to ULAW, cost 1
== Registered translator 'ulawtoalaw' from format ULAW to ALAW, cost 1
[codec_adpcm.so] => (Adaptive Differential PCM Coder/Decoder)
== Registered translator 'adpcmtolin' from format ADPCM to SLINR, cost 1
== Registered translator 'lintoadpcm' from format SLINR to ADPCM, cost 1
[codec_alaw.so] => (A-law Coder/Decoder)
== Registered translator 'alawtolin' from format ALAW to SLINR, cost 1
== Registered translator 'lintoalaw' from format SLINR to ALAW, cost 1
[codec_g726.so] => (ITU G.726-32kbps G726 Transcoder)
== Registered translator 'g726tolin' from format G726 to SLINR, cost 99
== Registered translator 'lintog726' from format SLINR t o G726, cost 77
[codec_gsm.so] => (GSM/PCM16 (signed linear) Codec Translator)
== Registered translator 'gsmtolin' from format GSM to SLINR, cost 86
== Registered translator 'lintogsm' from format SLINR to GSM, cost 85
[codec_ilbc.so] => (iLBC/PCM16 (signed linear) Codec Translator)
Ouch ... error while writing audio data: : Broken pipe
Thanks in advance for your help.
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