Hi guys,
I am in the process of establishing a Call Center. I need some suggestions from those who have already worked on such setups using Asterisk. My scenerio is:
US T1 < --- > Asterisk gw 1   < -[gsm compression]-- > Asterisk gw 2 [with TDM10B] < --- > Sip Phones [Xlite]
Calls from US are landing perfectly on the Xlite and tdm10b, and vice versa. However I am having some trouble as mentioned below:
1. Call quality on Tdm10b is good, but sometimes on Xlite, sound becomes choppy (like the voice missed for few mili secs). I am using jitterbuffer=no is IAX.conf (if set to yes, sounds becomes more choppy).
2. There is lot of echo during the conferencing [on Xlite], when in a room more than 4 people talk at the same time.
3. I am using GSM compression on the Asterisk, and my Xlite also uses GSM, but when I switch from GSM to iLBC in the server (Xlite still using GSM), sound qulaity degrades.
Plz recommend your suggestions, and is Xlite good for Call Center ??
Further the echo that I am getting, can be caused due to normal headphones ??? can some guide me which headphone is best in terms of echo cancelling and noise reductions. Did anyone tried the Plantronics PLA-H161N (http://www.thephonesource.com/PLA-H161N.htm) ??

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