Title: Message
I was wondering if this is possible.  I have a situation where I am connecting to a third party voicemail system from asterisk.  I know this does not make since to everyone, but it has to be this way.  Basically - I have an application that runs on the Asterisk system and when an employee calls into this system, they have an option to check there voicemail.  This is where it needs to go over to the voicemail system.  I would usually use an FXO card for this, but the other phone vendor I am working with is wondering is it possible to put the FXS cards I have in a hunt group - then I could call one of these ports and would ring the other voicemail system.
If this can't be done that's fine - I have some FXO cards on order... Just thought I would check if anyone has ever done anything like this before.
Geoff Clark

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