On Thu, Jun 08, 2006 at 12:03:32AM +0100, Marco Mouta wrote:

Marco. i solve this creating adding the meetme extension in the default
context. this extension now is valid for any user.

>    Hi,
>    Please check you [general] section in sip.conf
>    ; If you need to answer unauthenticated calls, you should change this
>    ; next line to 'from-trunk', rather than 'from-sip-external'.
>    ; You'll know this is happening if when you call in you get a message
>    ; saying "The number you have dialed is not in service. Please check
>    the
>    ; number and try again."
>    context = from-sip-external ; Send unknown SIP callers to this context
>    callerid = Unknown
>    It could be happening that your public sip call is arriving @
>    asterisk, and seems unknow, so it is sent to from-sip-external
>    context.
>    In your extensions.conf look for section called [from-sip-external],
>    there you need to paste your code to route the call to your meetme
>    room.
>    Hope it helps,
>    Best regards,
>    Marco Mouta
>    Ps. Please give me some feeback if it solved.
>    On 6/7/06, Pablo Allietti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>      hi all i have an asterisk working and i need to add a mettme public
>      service.
>      for example i need to download a soft (sjphone) and without any
>      configuration call to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (meetme) and
>      join a conference but when i do that i
>      received an error saying nomber do not exist. but if i call a
>      extension
>      is work propperly.
>      in the extensions.conf have
>      exten => 411,1,Answer
>      exten => 411,2,Wait(1)
>      exten =>
>      411,3,SetVar(CALLFILENAME=/var/spool/asterisk/monitor/${TIMESTAMP})
>      exten => 411,4,Monitor(wav,${TIMESTAMP},m)
>      exten => 411,5,Meetme(4001,qM)
>      exten => 411,6,Hangup
>      4001 is the room number
>      in the mmetme conf have
>      conf => 4001
>      any comments?
>      --
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>    --
>    Com os melhores cumprimentos,
>    Marco Mouta
> References
>    1. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>    2. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>    3. http://Easynews.com/
>    4. http://lists.digium.com/mailman/listinfo/asterisk-users

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Pablo Allietti
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | LACNIC                                              
Phone : +598 2 6042222   | http://LACNIC.NET
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