On Thu, 1 Dec 2011 14:09:29 +0300, James Mutuku
>I have worked with bare asterisk + freepbx before. the mypbx was just
>an example but my reference to appliances as a whole.
>The appliances seem to have lower entry costs.
Appliances have less RAM + storage, so you'll have to make sure
Thanks for Carlos for the response,
I have worked with bare asterisk + freepbx before. the mypbx was just
an example but my reference to appliances as a whole.
The appliances seem to have lower entry costs.
On 12/1/11, Carlos Alvarez wrote:
> At the most basic level, typically an appliance w
At the most basic level, typically an appliance will have a GUI and be
geared towards non-tech installation. Loading bare Asterisk on a server is
very different. Do you want a GUI or bare Asterisk?
BTW, the MyPBX product is not a Digium product, it's from an oriental
company named Yeastar. My e
I am looking into advising a client on the pro's and cons of using
Installing asterisk on a server vs appliance(e.g digium mypbx). the
appliance seems cheaper initially.
>From experience, what would be pro and cons for either option?
Best Regards,
James Mutuku Ndeti
Agile Systems Limit