Hi all,

i'm trying from several days to setup a SLA on my machine with some

My goal is to bind every F key to an extension (NOT a trunk).

So, F1 = 201, F2 = 202, F3 = 203, and so on...

I'm googled thousand of pages and many more confusing concepts are in my mind.

My server uses extensions with numbering 2XX placed in context 'phones'.

I set yet in sip.conf:


sip show peer 222 (222 is my test phone) give me...

* Name       : 222
  Secret       : <Set>
  MD5Secret    : <Not set>
  Context      : phones
  Subscr.Cont. : phones
  Language     : it
  AMA flags    : Unknown
  Transfer mode: open
  CallingPres  : Presentation Allowed, Not Screened
  Callgroup    : 1
  Pickupgroup  : 1
  Mailbox      :
  VM Extension : asterisk
  LastMsgsSent : 32767/65535
  Call limit   : 100

Then is set in [phone] context:

exten => 222,hint,SIP/222
exten => 202,hint,SIP/202
exten => 244,hint,SIP/244

..and so on, for each pohone.

CLI show hints give me:

  [EMAIL PROTECTED]             : SIP/222               State:Idle
 Watchers  0

for each peer (Watchers is ever 0 for all)

Someone can clarify me, in detail, what is wrong?

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