The word from Kevin Fleming and Digium is that the use of realtime to support multiple Asterisk boxes sharing sip is not supported or even known to work at this point.
-----Original Message-----
From: Asterisk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2005 12:14 PM
Subject: [Asterisk-Users] Realtime Multiple Asterisk boxes andrtcachefriends MWI

I am working an a multiple box asterisk solution.   I need phones to be able to login to multiple asterisk servers.  I need Phone A to be able to register to switch A and call Phone B that is registered to switch B.


With rtcachfriends=no  this can be done, However I then loss MWI and “sip show peers” plus if a Phone becomes unreachable the phone I get dead air until the dial timeout reached.


With rtcachfriends=yes  I get MWI & “Sip show peers”, However I cannot call phones that register to a different switch.  


My current working solution is to have rtcachfriends=yes.  Place the call via sip if dialstatus= chanunavaliable  

I then route the call to the other switch via an IAX trunk.  Everything works but I don't have a true load balance soltuion. Plus it really only works for 2 boxes. It get out of hand when I add more..


I have tried using AGI and dialing the “full contact” found in the SIP realtime table. It works if the phone is active, but if the phone is no active I get dead air until the dial timeout is reached. This will not work as I cannot have 12 sec of dead air.    So is there a way know the status of a SIP UA?  It is it in the SIP realtime data?   I looked at regseconds but it does not seem to be it because I can have a UA that is unreachable and the regseconds are not expired.  


Could realtime be altered to add a status filed to the SIP realtime table?   


Or is there a asterisk configuration option that I missed?      


This is my first post so please forgive me if I posted this in the wrong list.   



Many thanks!

Doug Gillespie

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