I had the exact same problem as you, I believe.

I was using ath5k and with any download (usually 15mb+ downloads), I would
have long contiguous lengths of data corrupted. I would download the same
file with my Winxp box and compare the fire with the Ubuntu box running
ath5k and there would be a few sections of the file that were just
completely messed up. The download would appear to succeed but I would
notice that it would pause during download and then continue shortly. I
don't know where this data comes from but it is seemingly completely
different then the data it should have.

 When I switched internet providers, they gave me there own home networking
modem that has built in wireless. I used that in place of my D-Link DIR-615
and the problem was resolved. It was strange because this router would work
fine handling the 5-6 winxp computers. As soon as I connected the ath5k box
then the router would sometimes drop all clients including the windows
clients. Instead, this new 2wire router, seems to work great so far. Have no
problems with corrupt downloads, just the occasional drop out like you

I hope this helps, because I don't think switching between console and gui
version would make much difference. I even established connection manually
without and helpers and I still had the same issues.

On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 5:29 AM, nurbs...@gmx.de <nurbs...@gmx.de> wrote:

> I finally figured it out. Most likely the problem is with wicd-gtk
> client. wicd is a network manager. when i connect to a wireless network
> via wicd-gtk i have this problems with wrong data. i had to try
> wicd-curses due to problems with my x-server and voila, no problems with
> wireless connections anymore. this is weired though and i will do more
> testing. but i cant explain how a gui can cause such problems.
> On 01/10/10 17:00, Pavel Roskin wrote:
>  > On Sun, 2010-01-10 at 05:06 +0100, nurbs...@gmx.de wrote:
>  >
>  >
>  >> Well, I don't think it's problem with your filesystem, Benoit, and
>  >> further I still think it's problem with the driver. If I use
>  >> ndiswrapper-module with the windows drivers I don't have this problem.
> I
>  >> still get disconnected after some time but I get correct packets,
>  >> meaning the md5sum is correct even though I have to reconnect to the
>  >> access point and resume the download.
>  >>
>  > If the driver is responsible for that, then it must be something really
>  > bad, like memory corruption. Simple accepting wrong data from the AP
>  > won't do it.
>  >
>  >
>  >> And what do you mean by using TCP to download the files? To download
>  >> files you always have to use a protocol like http, ftp, etc. Thats one
>  >> layer below TCP or am I missunderstanding something?
>  >>
>  > Yes, I meant a TCP based protocol. TCP should have enough protection
>  > against data corruption if it works correctly, that is, there is no
>  > memory or disk corruption.
>  >
>  > Some protocols, such as tftp, are UDP based and don't have such
>  > protection, even though checksums are used on other layers.
>  >
>  >
>  >> And my other question was how to debug the driver and traffic to find
>  >> out whats going wrong. Any ideas?
>  >>
>  > I would try to enable most kernel debug options to find possible
>  > corruption.
>  >
>  > Also, I would compare corrupt files with the correct ones by cmp.
>  > Contiguous groups of corrupted bytes would indicate corruption by the
>  > kernel code. Corruption in random bits would indicate a hardware issue.
>  >
>  >
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