In regards to atom:source construct:

This, to me, seems like adding verbosity to the feed that does not
necessarily need to be there.  The attributes specified in the source
construct are the 'meta' elements of any feed.  Why not make the source
element a URI to the resources feed and implementers who want the info can
deference the link.

-Kevin Mesiab
 Founder, Electric Diary Publishing

-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Robert Sayre
Sent: Sunday, May 01, 2005 8:35 AM
To: Graham
Cc: Eric Scheid; atom-syntax
Subject: Re: PaceOptionalFeedLink

> So, if accepted, we'd have 2 conflicting rules. The Pace needs an edit)

D'oh. You're right. I've edited the Pace, to just delete the MUST.

Robert Sayre

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