Bill de hÓra wrote:

while I do realize that XML in XML tends be a broader problem that just Atom, one counter-example on prefixed Atom+XHTML not working would probably shut me up.

I'm not looking to shut you up, but I thought I'd do some experiments.

The two feeds below are identical (save atom:id). They each contain two entries with equivalent content, except one entry has prefixed XHTML content. You should see bold and italics in the content of both entries. The prefixed content doesn't work in Bloglines... :/

Here you go, folks:

Atom 0.3 served as text/xml:

Atom 0.3 served as application/atom+xml:

Some html, just for fun:

XHTML served as text/html:

XHTML served as application/xhtml+xml:

Robert Sayre

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