On 1/19/06, John Panzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It's not unreasonable to link to the overall feed for the entire blog
> from this page, but it's a bit unreasonable to say that the feed is an
> 'alternate' for the current page -- it's a superset of the current page,
> at best.  It's also not unreasonable to want to have a way to find an
> individual Atom entry associated with this page.  This would intuitively
> seem to be a reasonable 'alternate' since it contains the same
> information in a different format.

I agree with you. But I don't want to change the document. There are
lots of other strings we could use to describe new capabilities, and
the advantages of continually re-using the string "alternate" are
pretty slim... are there any?

An alternate link with a feedish media type means "associated feed",
and all of the running code on the planet agrees with me. We can
either innovate in the WG, or finish in a month or so. I know I prefer
the latter. HTML link relations don't require a standards group to add
new ones, so people who want to do something can publish them, and
they can go code it. There are lots of open source browsers.

But, I could be in the minority. Which WG members think we should work
on exciting new HTML link relations?


Robert Sayre

"I would have written a shorter letter, but I did not have the time."

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