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I am pleased to announce the release of ATS2-0.3.7

This is the 44th release of ATS2, the successor of the
ATS programming language. The compiler for ATS2 is given
the name ATS/Positats, ATS2/Postiats or simply Postiats.

The official website for ATS is:


ATS-Postiats is hosted at github:


Major releases of ATS2 are available at:


Major releases of external packages for ATS2 are available at:



The following packages are included in this release:

ATS2-Postiats-0.3.7.tgz # requiring GMP
ATS2-Postiats-contrib-0.3.7.tgz # contributed packages
ATS2-Postiats-include-0.3.7.tgz # CATS-files w/ MIT license.

I have included ATS2-Postiats-contrib (instead of releasing it
separately). From this point on, I will gradually merge parts of
ATS2-Postiats-contrib into ATS2-Postiats, and rely on external
package management systems (e.g., npm) to handle those that
are not selected for merging.

After installing ATS-Postiats-include, one can compile the C code
generated from ATS source without installing the ATS compiler. So
a convenient way to distribute software written in ATS is to simply
release the C code generated from the ATS source.

Please see below for some major additions and changes since the last
release (ATS2-0.3.6).



Computer Science Department
Boston University
111 Cummington Street
Boston, MA 02215

Email: h...@cs.bu.edu
Url: http://www.cs.bu.edu/~hwxi
Tel: +1 617 358 2511 (office)
Fax: +1 617 353 6457 (department)


Here is a list of major additions and changes since the last release:

1. Extending prelude/stream_vt with more functions
2. Improving ${PATSHOME}/contrib/libatscc2php/ATS2-0.3.2
3. Supporting the following style of function interface declaration:
   fun swap_boxed{a,b:type}(xy: (a, b)): (b, a)
   Note that (a, b) needs to be replaced with @(a, b) at this point
4. Adding stream-processing functions in prelude and libats/ML
5. Hosting for ats-lang.org moved from OPENSHIFT2 to OPENSHIFT3
6. In progress:
   A Functional Crash into ATS: ${PATSHOME}/doc/BOOK/ATS2FUNCRASH
7. Atscc2r34 (for transpiling ATS into R) is functioning and it is
   expected to be improved gradually.
8. Improving ATSLIB/libats/ML: more list0-combinators; printing stuff


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