Hi Jean and all,

>>>>> jfbu <j...@free.fr> writes:
> afaict in case of say \documentclass[dvipdfmx]{article}
> the AUCTeX parsing does not set TeX-PDF-from-DVI variable
> to "Dvipdfmx". This has to be done by user.

> It would be nice to get this done automatically in case
> of document class option dvipdfm or dvipdfmx.

> Similarly dvips global option should trigger "Dvips"

I at last reached at a state with some spare time and incorporated your
suggestion.  Very sorry for such a late response!

At first I thought it is an easy job of adding similar code around a
bunch of
  (TeX-add-style-hook ... ... LaTeX-dialect)
lines in latex.el, but it turned out that the expected code doesn't
work.  After some survey, I realized that these all lines are not
effective for some years due to the common reason with bug#25563:
I.e., the class options are no longer treated as styles in the sense of

I added some codes to recover the functionality of these lines, so they
just began to work again in the codes in the latest git repository.

> Also options to graphicx and/or geometry package could be scanned.

I added these functionality as well.  The option "dvipdfmx" for these
packages now sets `TeX-PDF-from-DVI' to "Dvipdfmx".

Thanks for your useful suggestion.

Ikumi Keita

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