Hello Arash,

thanks for this upload with the revised date:

On Saturday 06 May 2017 at 12:36:30 +0200  CTAN Portal Service 
(no-re...@ctan.org) wrote:

> Upload information:
> Package:        preview
> Summary:        Extract bits of a LaTeX source for output
> Version:        11.90  2017-04-24
> Author:         David Kastrup
> Author’s email: ar...@gnu.org
> Location:       /macros/latex/contrib/preview/
> License:        gpl3
> Upload type:    silent
> Notes to CTAN maintainers:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  Dear maintainers, this is zip file with changes discussed
>  mostly with Petra.  Thanks for your patience and efforts.
>    Best, Arash

 And thanks for _your_ cooperation!

>  In your other email you wrote:
>  He [= David Kastrup]  is now "inactive" for preview, but
>  not for his other packages/contributions (David, please
>  correct me if I'm wrong).
>  Is it possible to mark him "inactive" for preview only?
 Yes, we mark "activity" in per-package way.
 I have therefore marked him inactive for this particular

>  The package is maintained by AUCTeX team, and I'm not sure
>  how this can be reflected within CTAN.  It would be great
>  if you could give a hint how this can done. 
>  The contact address would be auctex@gnu.org or bug-auc...@gnu.org.

 This is easy.  We have already other teams, like The LaTeX Team, 
 The LuaTeX Team, The TeX Live Team, and others.
 I have now added "The AUCTeX Team" (short name: "auctex",
 email: auctex@gnu.org) and made it the maintainer of the
 preview package.  The important thing for uploaders to remember
 will now be that they enter "auctex@gnu.org" in the email field
 of our upload form.

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

 The update has been installed on our central server and should
 make its way to the mirrors within the next 24 hours.

       Kind regards
    Petra Rübe-Pugliese
     for the CTAN team


 This package is located at

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