passage would have relied on the particular

passage would have relied on the particularmessage challenge and again that is it quite helpful whereyou have a lot of different variations packaging advertised all 'em as I said moesha has been followed in a couple of food cases that we Choice 9000 Caralluma havehere in more than a couple by recent decision by judge Carter down in the Central District of California in OrangeCounty I'll declining to follow moesha decertify class a national class had been I'll certified under California law are onthe ground that I you really have to look at thecircumstances of the particular case and given the particular issues in thatcase a the the defendants not come forwardwith sufficient evidence that there were conflicts in the statestheir state laws to preclude a nationwide class I so if your defendant and you you wanna hita nationwide class are you better do your.

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