omework income lowered with the actual you

homework income lowered with the actual you know what orother material differences between say California in New York law or CaliforniaMassachusetts or whatever states you might find some differences I'll alright so let's say I you know you know you up Choice 9000 Caralluma iffy class certification whilethe case is over but what if you lose it or what do you thinkyou gonna lose it then one question and you're not going to beable to get summary judgment along the lines that track mansion hesaid case and a that's what it comes down to I dollars I how do you satisfy the plaintiffs andtheir counsel and move on I'll and what you have to think about in crafting a settlement in working up a settlement that is notonly gonna be approved a by you know that's not going to later be reversed on appeal which we'reseeing increasing now a various considerations.

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