Re: How I became a rat, an entombed bug tale.
Thanks for the list, i'll have to try these out sometime. Does anyone know where the entombed data is stored in windows 7?URL:
Re: How I became a rat, an entombed bug tale.
Here you go. This list is pretty long, as I explain step-by-step procedures for each cheat. This is a file I wrote back in 2011.These cheats require you to be good at manipulating files, and to know where Entombed keeps your game saves. On a Windows
Re: How I became a rat, an entombed bug tale.
Could I have the list?URL:
Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: How I became a rat, an entombed bug tale.
And then, on the other side of the coin, are all the wonderful unintentional cheats involving exchanging world and player files in creative ways. I actually created a list of some cheats you could do that way.URL:
Re: How I became a rat, an entombed bug tale.
Entombed has not been updated since 2010, with almost as devastating, if not more devastating in some cases, bugs being discovered. I doubt this discovery will be fixed, haha.URL:
Re: How I became a rat, an entombed bug tale.
Hi,Lol!Methinks that needs to be squished. Rofl.URL:
Audiogames-reflector mailing list
Re: How I became a rat, an entombed bug tale.
Hi.[[wow]] what a weird bug I'll have to check this out. It sounds almost as weird as the bug where your pet randomly comes back to life after it has been killed.URL:
Re: How I became a rat, an entombed bug tale.
I died. Apparently ogar rats aren't long for this world. Just follow the steps listed in the post above to do it. You just need to use animal form when you are polimorphed.Interesting things:The text when I died:Aaron Baker was a Giant Rat Skeleton
Re: How I became a rat, an entombed bug tale.
I don't think anyone in your party can mistake you for someone on the other side. That's an interestin bug. I've never came across that. I'll have to see if I can manage to do that and see if it is the same for me.URL:
How I became a rat, an entombed bug tale.
Hello, my name is Aaron Baker.I am an ogar who was thrown into this horific dungion just becaause of something I did under the influence.At any rate, I just approached the second floor of the dungeon, with my faithful pet by my side.Before reaching the s
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