A Solo RPG Multiplayer Let's Play: Space-Adventures of the mad tailor

So who's up for a good round robin solo rpg let's play?  Pick the adventure and character up from where I left off, and see what you can do with it!  This is an extremely silly adventure, so it should lend itself to this type of play.  The rules are:
1.  you have to use the solo rpg website (http://www.rpgsolo.com), and you have to incorporate every answer you get, as best as you can, no re-trying or purposely ignoring parts of the answer to fit. If you need help understanding this site, see the thread in the new releases forum. 
2.  To keep things easy to follow, try and stick to the format I used in this post, as it clearly shows the questions you asked, how you asked them, gives the answer you got, and explains what the answer means.
3. Don't contradict anything that happened in a previous part of the adventure, written by someone else. And try not to leave the adventure in a place where it is impossible to continue; for example: all the characters are dead, and the universe has been destroyed.
4.  Play until you get tired or run out of ideas, and then put it up so the next person who wants to can have a go.
Is anyone interested? 

Here goes my part!

Q: Who am I? [get npc]
A: Passive-aggressive tailor.
Comments: Oh boy, a knitting adventure!

Q: What am I good at? [2x get skill]
A: Danger sense, Camouflage
Comments: And knitting, obviously.  I use my leet knitting skillz to make myself Camouflage clothing. Or should that be 1337 kn1tt1ng sk1llz?

Q: What do I have in my possession? [2x get thing]
A: Plasma torch, Puzzle box.
Comments: Because when I can't open those fiddly little wooden puzzle boxes, I know just exactly what to do! I put the aggressive back in passive-aggressive!

Q: Where am I? [get place]
A: Cavern.
Comments: Because caverns are where some of t he best knitting is done! Doesn't everyone know that?

Q: What is my goal? [get quest]
A: Evade pirates on the wormhole.
Comments: Yes, of course that's what I'm doing. That's why I flew my spaceship into the giant cavern in this asteroid.  Seriously, what were you expecting this adventure to be about?

Q: What is the purpose of my goal? [c.q]
A: Trust / A plan.
Comments: I stole the puzzle box from the pirates.  It contains...important pirate secrets. I used to be a pirate, see, but I really want to be a ninja.  If I can only get the top-secret pirate information delivered safely to the ninja starbase, maybe they'll trust me enough to teach me powerful kung fu!  Soon, I won't need plasma torches, when I can use my kai fists of fire to punch things and make them explode. The pirate captain won't laugh at my knitting anymore when my flying death kick decapitates him!  Then I will be the first ev er ninja-pirate captain, and I will use the power of ninja piracy to take over the universe! And after that, the entire galaxy! Mwa ha ha ha!  This is a good plan. Stop looking at me like that. 

Q: Who or what is trying to stop me? [opposition]
A: Mystical warrior.
Comments: I snuck into the control room of the pirate ship and used the space-phone to call the ninja priests and let them know that I would steal the pirate secrets for them. However, they betrayed me!  They think I am too unstable to make a good ninja. So they sold me out, and now all the pirates are after me. But if I can escape from the entire pirate hoard, maybe that will convince the ninja priests that I am powerful enough for ultimate kung fu!  If not, I will have to steel it. 

Q: What is the first thing that I need to do or take care of? [get action]
A: ambush
Comments: I have been hiding in this asteroid cavern for several hours now, and the pirates seem to believe they have lost me.  There is only 1 pirate ship left searching this area of space. Now, I will fly out and ambush them! 

Q: Are they surprised? [vl]
A: Yes, and
Comments: Yes, and I get to take the first shot!  I excitedly fire my space-cannon at the pirate ship.

Q: How much damage do I do? [get damage mechanical]
A: Negligible: Nick/Scratch/Dent.
Comments: Those scalawags must have there space-shields up!  Cowards!  I shall contact them via the space-radio and taunt them!  Then, they will lower their space-shields and fight fair!

Q: Do they lower there space-shields? [VU]
A: No. +Event: Work hard / Enemies
Comments: No, they do not. In fact, the pirate captain replies on the space-radio: "You shall have to work harder to beat us than that!  Also, that taunting was so ineffective that we will now fire some space-missiles and laugh at you while you try and evade them! Ha ha ha!  And you can't even use the power of kung fu to help you, because you're just a tailor! And you're not even a pirate tailor anymore, now you're just a stupid tailor!"

Q: Oh no! Not space-missiles! Once I have finished crying from the pirates brutal return taunting, I take evasive action. Can I evade the evil space-missiles? [50/50]
A: no.
Comments: The space-missiles are getting closer and closer! 

Q: Fortunately for me, camouflage is my strong point.  I engage my cloaking device, in hopes of hiding my spaceship from the space-missiles. Does it work? [sl]
A: no
Comments: Alas, I am out of options! 

Q: But there is one last, final, desperate measure that I can take. It is an advanced tactic, that should only be used at last resort.  I curl up into a ball and scream like a girl. Does this help? [ai]
A: No, and
Comments: No, and the first missile hits my ship.  My spaceship got damage! My spaceship got damage! 

Q: How bad is it? [get damage mechanical]
A: Negligible: Nick/Scratch/Dent.
Comments: I uncurl myself from my strategic ball of defence once the thundering stops. [[wow]], that wasn't so bad.

Q: Is there another missile still to come? [VL]
A: yes
Comments: Well, the last one wasn't so bad. Bring it on, evil space-missile! I can take it!

Q: How bad is it? [get damage mechanical]
A: Negligible: Nick/Scratch/Dent.
Comments: Yes! Sticks and stones can break my bones, but apparently space-missiles can never hurt me! 

Q: Got anymore space-missiles, stupid pirates? [L]
A: yes
Comments: Fine, then!

Q: I bet it doesn't even hurt, right? [get damage mechanical]
A: Minor Damage: Largely superficial; degrades performance, but not disabling.
Comments: Woohoo! This is getting fun! Who needs kung fu powers, when I can just sit here and let the space-missiles bounce off of me? 

Q: Do I get to have more fun? [sl]
A: yes
Comments: Yaaaay!

Q: What's the damage? [get damage mechanical]
A: Negligible: Nick/Scratch/Dent.
Comments: Who's your tailor? Huh? Huh? Huh?

Q: Got any more space-missiles for me?  [50/50]
A: Yes, but
Comments: Yes, but these are antimatter space-missiles.  That means I'm perfectly safe, because antimatter can't touch regular matter! I remember I learned something about that in space-pirate school. 

Q: This won't affect me at all, right? [get damage mechanical, +4]
A: Severe Damage: Incapacitating and may become Critical if not addressed.
Comments: My space-engines! What happened to my space-engines? Why did they explode? No fair! I want my mommy!

Q: There better not be anymore of those antimatter space-missiles! Are there? [SU]
A: No, and
Comments: No, and now the pirates are running away! Ha ha ha ha!&nb sp; I will taunt them on the space-radio! "You're out of space-missiles, and now you're running away like the chickens you really are! I will give the top-secret puzzle box to the ninja priests, and they will teach me ultimate kung fu, and then I will come back and destroy you all with my Buddhist meditation powers!"  The pirate captain answers me on the space-radio: "You fool! Evacuate your ship now! Your reactor core has gone critical, and if not fixed in the next 5 minutes, it will explode and irradiate this entire star system! Get into your hyper-space escape pod and escape into another galaxy before it's too late!" 

Q: I bet that pirate captain is a lying lier who lies. I'm going to fix the space-engines, and then everything is going to be just fine, right? [AI]
A: No, and... +Event: Praise / Weapons
Comments: No, and suddenly, a ninja spaceship warps out of hyperspace!  "Good job destroying the insane tailor," the ninja priest says over the space-radio, "he could have endangered the entire cosmos with his plans to unleash ninja piracy!  We will transfer the martial arts weaponry to your pirate starbase, as previously agreed." "Thank you for the praise," answers the pirate captain, "but our scans detect that his reactor core has gone critical. We suggest you evacuate this star system as quickly as possible, before you get a dose of dangerous antimatter radiation! Let us head to the Andromeda galaxy to make our exchange."  Then, both ships warp into hyperspace.  But I know where they're going, so I can follow them!  I enter a course to the Andromeda galaxy into my space-console, and press navigate. Then, I remember that the engines exploded or something.  Also, my danger sense is really really tingling.  I mean, I'm sure that was all lies about the reactor core and stuff, because everyone knows that radiati on was invented back on old earth in the 1950's by an organization called Russians, in order to help them make mutants, that they used to defeat a different organization called American.  So why would I have radiation on my ship? If I had radiation weaponry, I would know about it, and already be using it to make mutants!  Because I could really use an army of mutants.  So that pirate captain can't fool me.  But still, I trust my danger sense. There is something really really dangerous around here.  I think I'd better get into my hyperspace escape pod, launch it, and enter suspended animation. 

Q: Do I launch my hyperspace pod in time to escape this unknown danger? [su]
A: yes
Comments: Oh, good! I wonder what on earth the danger could be? I'm not curious enough to hang around and find out, though. Over the years, I've learned that ignoring my danger sense is a really, really bad idea. It's the only thing th at keeps me alive, sometimes.  Unfortunately, I don't really remember how these controls work.  I'm sure if I just press the big important buttons, I'll wind up somewhere, eventually.  I feel the hyperspace drive turning on, and the cold of suspended animation enters my blood.

Q: How many years will I spend in suspended animation? [1d1000]
A: 924
Comments: [[wow]], I feel a lot colder than I normally would be, waking up from suspended animation. And I'm much more groggy than normal, too. 

Q: Where am I, anyway? [get place]
A: warehouse
Comments: I peer out of my tiny pod window, and instead of seeing the dark of space, I see...a pile of junk? It looks like some kind of storage warehouse.  What kind of rescue effort is this, anyway?  Who puts a hyperspace escape pod into a storage warehouse, without even checking for life signs?

And now...it's someone else's turn.  Will the mad tai lor ever get kung fu powers, or radiation weaponry?  Only you can help find out!

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