Currency converter released, convert currencies in this simple interfa

A while ago I remember creating a little aplication which would allow you to convert a currency to an other.
Someone made a topic asking about an application that could help with conversions.
I pasted a download link even there and thought that I could create a topic and release the application to the public.
Anyway, this simple interface is composed by an edit box, which is the amount to insert, and 2 combo boxes which are the currency to convert from and the currency to convert to. Note currently the combo boxes do not have a default value which means you'll have to selct them manually if you want to successfully convert.
There is obviously the button to convert the currency and alternatively there is an button which will allow you to update the latest rates.
Yes, because currently the program downloads all the rates values in a file so that the program can be used without depending on an internet connection. Which means that to get the most up to date currencies you should press that button. If the file is not present, the file will be downloaded automatically when the progam is started.
Hope this can be helpful to you guys, and please feel free to give suggestions, and critics.
To download the application currently hosted on github you can click on the link below.

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