Getting error when writing tis example with simpy

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 6, in <module>
    class Customer(Process):
NameError: name 'Process' is not defined

Hear is the code.

""" bank01: The single non-random Customer """           
import simpy

## Model components -----------------------------       

class Customer(Process):                                 
    """ Customer arrives, looks around and leaves """
    def visit(self,timeInBank):                         
        print now(),," Here I am"            &nbs p;  
        yield hold,self,timeInBank                       
        print now(),," I must leave"           

## Experiment data ------------------------------

maxTime = 100.0     # minutes                           
timeInBank = 10.0   # minutes

## Model/Experiment ------------------------------

c = Customer(name="Klaus")                               
activate(c,c.visit(timeInBank),at=5.0)          &nbs p;        

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