MUD Proxy

Hi all,
I spent some time last night writing a MUD proxy.

The point of this bit of code is to get around the annoying antiscripter employed by Miriani (and probably other games) which only allow you to enter so many commands a second before they start complaining. All my code does is throttle the number of commands per second back so only so many can go through.

All commands are entered into a queue, then sent on as the preset time threshold has been exceeded.

To run it, type something like:

python 1234 -i 0.33

This makes the proxy forward any connections to, port 1234 (Miriani), and only allows a command through every 0.3 seconds (so 3 commands per second).

Using this I can type as quickly as I like and not get any adverse reaction for my apparent scripting.

I don't think this is breaking any rules (although I've not checked), because far from speeding you up and giving you an unfair advantage, it actually slows you down, just to below the threshold where the antiscripter catches you.

You can download the code from here.

If you would like to try Miriani with my running instance of the proxy, point your client at, port 1234.

Commands aren't logged or anything, so I can't see anything anyone is doing. If you don't believe me, then good for you! Get the code, read it, learn from it, and run it on your own machine.

The only requirement outside of the Python standard library is twisted.

The code should work on Python 2, and Python 3.

I hope this is of use to someone.

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