mailing list and whatsapp distribution list about my iOS games

Hi everyone,
I maintain both a mailing list and a whatsapp distribution list about the iOS games that I make, being accessible hangman, choose your face, and accessible 2048. Now making a fourth and fifth game.
If you want to join either list, please send me an email, if you want to join the whatsapp distribution list you will have to send me your number so I can add you to it, and you will have to add me to contacts for it to sync.
Email me at ogomez.s92(at)
for the whatsapp list
If you want to join the mailing list you can just send an email to oriolgomez+subscribe(at)

Please join as it is the best place to get early access to information aobut the new games I make!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

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