Since they are not data correlated, the threshold of audibility will
higher, than with data correlated artifacts. Of course, with any form of
jitter, you don't actually hear the jitter itself. What you hear are its
effects. Which are not something one can say with 100% certainty will
sound a certain way, in any and all instances.

What you do hear is its absence, once it has been removed. The main
problem with SPDIF is that it has such a high level of data correlated
jitter problems, that in all likelihood, the problems folks like me can
measure may not turn up in routine listening.

Things are a bit more involved, when we are discussing products like
the Duet and SB2/3. The clock shares the same chip as the SPDIF
circuitry. (The Transporter may be different; haven't worked on any.)
Noise from the common supply and ground pins can affect the clock. In
addition, there is the intrinsic noise of the regulator. How much of
this gets passed on? Can't say exactly, but my experience is "some".
"Some" may be a trifling amount to one crowd, or a "huge difference" to
others more prone to hyperbole.

Having said all of that, my guess is that 99% of the folks here won't
be able to tell a difference. So, they proclaim since they can't hear
it, it doesn't exist. The remaining 1% will become hysterical, and claim
the others are either deaf or have inferior systems. All I can say is
"Yes, there is a measurable difference, so it is very likely in some
systems, some listeners will notice a change."

But the question you are really asking is more complex. How DACs deal
with jitter, and how it will affect the sound is way beyond the scope of
this thread. But let's say there are many factors which enter into that
discussion that are overlooked by a lot of the folks who make them.

Of course, they will disagree, which is their right. Won't negate what
I am saying.


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