nicoff wrote: 
> I started this thread long ago and would like to share with everyone
> where I am today. I followed this thread and did lots of research.
> Separate DACs/Streamers, etc. But I wanted something simple,
> a-la-Transporter!
> I read about the Oppo 105D player and its streaming capabilities. It
> could stream hi-Rez files, DSD files etc., and since I needed to upgrade
> my DVD/CD player, I thought I would give it a try. The Oppo is a great
> DVD/CD/Blue-Ray player, but as a streamer, in my opinion, it leaves much
> to be desired. The GUI and App that controls the unit do not compare to
> LMS. So let's just say that it did not work for me.
> Someone in this thread mentioned the Sony HAP-Z1ES unit earlier, but I
> soon learned that the Sony is NOT a streamer like the Transporter. The
> Sony has an internal hard drive and all music has to be stored in that
> hard drive. I felt that since I already had all my music in the NAS, it
> was going to be a pain to get my music into the Sony, and then if I add
> music to my NAS what happens? Well, recently, an audiophile friend
> mentioned, again, the Sony HAP-Z1ES as a possible solution. I read some
> more and learned that while it is not a streamer, it comes with a
> software app that can automatically transfer all your files from the NAS
> to the internal Sony hard drive and will keep it updated as you make
> changes to the NAS.  Long story short, I bought the Sony and transferred
> all my music to its internal hard drive. it took about 24 hours to move
> the files (almost 11 thousand tracks) from the NAS to the Sony, but it
> all happened in the background while I was doing other stuff. The same
> software will keep both the NAS and the Sony hard drive in sync. This is
> important because I still have other slim devices in the house that
> connect to the NAS via LMS (I am not giving those devices up yet).
> So long story short, I spent several hours comparing the Transporter and
> the Sony and without hesitation I can say that the Sony betters the
> Transporter in sound. The Sony does NOT have digital outputs so I was
> thinking that there was no way it could better the Transporter. It did!
> The Sony has a very nice GUI that is a pleasure to use. It also has
> internet radio (no Pandora or Spotify yet, but who knows, that might be
> added in the future). All in all, I am very happy with the Sony as a
> replacement for the Transporter. I am still keeping the Transporter
> though...
> By the way, if you are into 2 channel stereo, you MUST listen to the
> Sony. (I listen to both stereo and surround).
> Thanks to all who chimed in with suggestions/ideas!!

I bought one of these SONY HAPZ1ES players for my sister this past
summer.  She's admired my Transporter for years, but she has absolutely
no knowledge or interest in any gear that has complexity attached.  She
has a Boom, but uses it only to listen to BBC radio in the bathroom. 
The SONY has an OK app for Androids/iPhones, which is a plus.  But
finding specific music, managing a large classical collection and
managing playlists are all tasks for which the control software is
ill-suited.  The SONY swallowed 20,000 tracks without a whimper, but
getting them back out again is a challenge.

That said, the sound quality of the SONY is really outstanding.  It can
be even better too.  For those audiophools who like to mod stuff, take a
gander a what Red Wine Audio is doing to enhance sound quality even
further on the HAPZ1ES.  

For her needs, it is a simple and useful device that sounds wonderful. 
For her, it is certainly nice to have a one-box solution on her audio
rack that requires no internet connection to work (altho if you want to
use the net-based control interface, you need it for that).  

I don't consider it a very good replacement for the Transporter, simple
because of the lack of music database management.  But as a playback
device it is really, really good.  If I had to replace my Transporter, I
might look at the software PS Audio is developing for their net-based
system.  The Bryston/Aurelic players have great sound, but are pretty
expensive by the time you add DAC and supporting boxes.  Sonus music
management sucks, as noted above, for any reasonably large collection.

Frankly, I don't know what I'd do...

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