slartibartfast wrote:
> AFAICT the FLAC stream is still available completely independent of the
> MQA stream.
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk
So they really will be offering two streams of the same content and one
stream is the pristine, unaltered lossless flac stream? Interesting.
zordaz wrote:
> Well, I'm afraid that only means that your are able to listen to the
> same stream with both normal equipment and with MQA equipment. In the
> former case you are listening to a 16/44 stream which simply is not
> lossless because of the MQA content is added to it. And as we now k
Heuer wrote:
> I see Radio Paradise are offering a MQA stream via Bluesound. Hopefully
> it won't impact the normal FLAC service. Bill writes:
> -"It will always be an option, not something forced on anyone."-
Well, I'm afraid that only means that your are able to listen to the
same stream w