just to add my bit to the thread..

I finally got to try my SB3 against my CD player (Arcam alpha 5+)in a
proper blind test with my blind audiophile friend.

He instantly chose the CD from SB3 but also declared the SB3 quite
acceptable for day to day listening. I played FLAC, 320kbps MP3 and 192
kbps MP3.

Admittedly he does know the quality of my system as he has heard it
many times b4. My only logic here is he instantly heard a difference.
So with the only change being the source as the interconnects are
identical, he heard a difference... Slighty less treble (which I had
spotted) and more bass (which I had not)

Amp is Audiolab 8000C + 2 x 8000P + old well run in TDL RTL4's.

Koenraadr's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=5142
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=24613

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