On 8/23/06, HoZ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am very interested in your progress on this front.

My progress has been fairly non-existent. I got as far as I documented
in the wiki, then I stopped because I had to buy measuring equipment.
I now have the measuring equipment, but I haven't had any time to
start playing with it.

I have spent a fair amount of time today doing some research and
following the guidelines on the Brutefir wiki you've started.  So far I
have not been succesfull in getting a filtered stream to play through my

Have you tried to see if you can get brutefir working at all? You can
try to play a file directly with

mpg321 test.mp3 -s | aplay -f cd -

and then try to apply the filter with

mpg321 test.mp3 -s | brutefir .brutefir_simple | aplay -f cd -

But, I intend to keep experimenting and following your progress.

I definitely intend to follow this project through. I just don't know when...


Mattias Holmlund
audiophiles mailing list

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