Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3+Lavry DA10: advise on volume setting

2008-03-21 Thread didbox
Thank you for your very useful answers, now it's crystal clear for me! -- didbox didbox's Profile: View this thread:

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3+Lavry DA10: advise on volume setting

2008-03-19 Thread didbox
trol of the SB3 or just set it to a specific value and keep it fixed at that value? Please, just to understand, could you explain why you advise to keep the SB3 volume at fixed? Thank you. -- didbox

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3+Lavry DA10: advise on volume setting

2008-03-19 Thread didbox
order to have the best result in sound quality? Thank you! -- didbox didbox's Profile: View this thread: