I have been running 2 squeezeboxes in my house for some time now with
great results.  Anyway, two days ago I added a new dac to one of them
and have been having really wierd problems.  First I thought my dac
died, then the squeezebox, then I just thought one of the digital
coaxial female connecters or cable was bad.  Basically what happens is
optical works fine, but when connected with the coaxial I get pops and
static in both the sqeezebox itself and over the speakers. So finally I
decided to swap squeezeboxes to see if the coaxial out was bad and the
other worked seemed to work perfectly.  I listened for about an hour
with great sound then I walked into the other room plugged in the other
squeezebox and immediately heard a distant horrible static again over
the one playing.  So, what would cause the optical and coaxial out to
work perfectly, but as soon as a second squeezebox is plugged in the
coxaxial to no longer work?  Thanks and sorry for the long post.

Also if it is of consequence, I am using both wired from a router.

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