terminology-guake-git pulls from a branch of terminology that hasn't been
updated since Oct of last year, when terminology was in it's infancy. I can't
get a response from the author, either. This package has just become useless
cruft, so I'm requesting it be removed:
On Wednesday, September 25, 2013 19:11:45 Aaron DeVore wrote:
> xlrd3 was a third party effort to port xlrd to Python 3. The fork was never
> complete, xlrd now has full Python 3 support, and the package is orphaned.
> https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/python-xlrd3/
> -Aaron DeVore
xlrd3 was a third party effort to port xlrd to Python 3. The fork was never
complete, xlrd now has full Python 3 support, and the package is orphaned.
-Aaron DeVore
=== Signoff report for [community-testing] ===
There are currently:
* 23 new packages in last 24 hours
* 0 known bad packages
* 0 packages not accepting signoffs
* 0 fully signed off packages
* 33 packages missing signoffs
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