On Thu, Sep 5, 2019 at 3:45 AM Alexander F Rødseth via aur-general <
aur-general@archlinux.org> wrote:

> > Sergej already confirmed sponsorship.
> I read his reply twice, but I could not see a confirmation of sponsorship.
> Sergej, could you please clarify?

> Have Sergej confirmed his sponsorship, though?

For the record, it looks like Sergej has explicitly stated that he will
sponsor in a signed message:

On Mon, Aug 19, 2019 at 9:49 AM Sergej Pupykin <m...@sergej.pp.ru> wrote:

> Giancarlo Razzolini via aur-general wrote:
> >
> > Having nothing against is not the same as actively sponsoring it. All
> > this discussion is kind of pointless until we hear from both sponsors
> > telling us they actively sponsor Jean's application. Then the discussion
> > period can begin.
> Ok, I am not sure about "actively" :) but I want to see parsedmarc
> package bundle in community. As well as ghidra and coturn (which is
> already in community), so I sponsor him.

I believe this marks the beginning of the discussion period.

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