I maintain the package fathom-git. This is a go package.
I have had to make the PKGBUILD quite messy because this package
requires that it is in the GOPATH which also needs a whole folder
structure. In order for it to build I had to create a custom GOPATH in
the SRC directory, copy the gi
Hi, I am currently trying to package an application for use in the aur. The
problem I am having is the install() section. The only thing i need to be done
is for the package to move '$srcdir/$_gitname/fathom' into '/bin/'. How would I
turn that into a .tar.gz?
Sorry if my question doesn't make
I have a package (i3-gaps-rounded) and would like to rename it to
i3-gaps-rounded-git in order to comply with standards. What would I have to
add to the PKGBUILD of each packages in order to force people who have
installed i3-gaps-rounded to move to i3-gaps-rounded-git?