On Tuesday, January 21, 2014 15:27:58 you wrote:
> Hi,
> You may not remember me. I contacted you a few months regarding the
> deletion of one of my packages. Since you did seem to be accessible, I
> thought it was a good idea to ask for your help.
> I have two issues.
> The first is that I want 2 of my packages to be deleted.
> The first is:
> https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/julia-cumatrix-git/(upstream is dead,
> and the package does not even build anymore).

Removed, thanks.

> The second is libscl (https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/libscl/). This is
> still alive (I know the author). But the library uses C++ from the 90s and
> there are just better projects out there, so I have zero interest in it
> (perhaps it would be better to orphan it?).

Yes, I believe it better to just orphan it :)

> I know that there is a mailing list to ask for deletion, but I sent a
> request months ago and it never showed up on AUR-general. Do you know why
> that is so? I submitted another request to AUR-general today, but I am not
> very optimistic about it.

Hmm, this is strange, I'm CC'ing the list to see if anyone can help you with 

> The second problem is that my shc package (
> https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/shc/) does not build anymore because the
> sha256 of the source changed. This is weird because there is no mention of
> a new version or anything like that (and I am pretty sure that it was not
> my mistake, I keep multiple backup copies of my PKGBUILDs). I emailed the
> author about 2 weeks ago and got no reply.
> What should I do in this case since I do not trust that upstream's website
> was not compromised?

I guess it's better to just leave a comment on AUR page (as you already did) 
and update the checksums. As it is indeed the upstream url and you cannot get 
in touch with him, I don't see any better choice :(

> Please let me know if you can help, and sorry for the long email.

Felix Yan

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