As a relative newcomer ("outsider") to your sport, I've been "listening" with interest to the banter about the image of gliding/soaring and the age issue.
If I may suggest, I think the whole debate concerning age is a little superficial - and for anyone with a genuine interest in flight and gliding/soaring, this 'image' wouldn't impact on their participation.  If that alone were enough to put them off, then they wouldn't stay the distance in any endeavour.
As a 38 year old, most of the members I've met at the club are old enough to be my father - however, I thoroughly enjoy their company and their wealth of knowledge on a sport they have passion for.  Haven't met too many (any...!) members younger than myself...yet!  These blokes (and girls) have more zest and get-up-and-go than a lot of people many years younger (i.e. it's cliche, but don't judge a book by it's cover). 
Now, "image" or, more accurately, the "perception" that people outside have of gliding/soaring is a different thing - coming from a powered background, I recall a general acceptance by friends, family, and workmates when I did my PPL a decade or so ago.
However, since venturing into gliding/soaring, the general response from the same people has indicated a concern for safety (i.e. " do you fly something without an engine?", " it safe?", and so on...); and, a perception that we are a fringe group of the aviation community. 
My own recent experience since beginning to learn how to "really" fly is that my gliding instructors compare MORE than favourably to their powered counterparts, both in terms of their knowledge and aircraft handling.
I would venture to say that so long as there is a proactive program of public awareness that the sport exists, then those genuinely interested will seek it out.  It appears to me to be important that it is a genuine interest, too - whereas commercial operations "lay it all on" for the paying student, the gliding club is only as good as it's members who are willing to put in a little (...lot?) extra to keep the club running and aircraft in the air.
I must qualify my comments as those from someone whose only joined your ranks in the last couple of months.
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