
I was at Dalby on 13th and 14th October, and managed to catch the Day 8 
finishes and the Day 9 preparations, briefing and launches on video.

If there was anyone else there with a Mini-DV video camera, I would be 
interested in seeing what other footage was taken.

Did anyone take a camera into the air and capture any air-to-air footage 
during the course of the flying (maybe one of the two-seater brigade who 
could spare a pair of eyes while thermalling in a gaggle) ?

I know the green Cessna 182 did a couple of laps of the airfield before 
launch - was any footage or still shots taken ?

Finally, does anyone have the competition logo in electronic format ?  I 
would much prefer to use that than my best efforts at capturing it on tape.

So far my 80 or so minutes of raw footage have been reduced to less than 10 
minutes of final product.  If I can find somewhere on the internet to host it 
at a reasonable size and quality, I'll let you all know and you can see if 
you can spot your aircraft or faces in the mix.


Jason Armistead

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