----- Original Message ----- From: "Friedel Weber" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tom & Jane Gilbert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, September 03, 2005 12:10 AM
Subject: DG Flugzeugbau - Newsletter No. 83

D G   F l u g z e u g b a u - N e w s l e t t e r   N o. 83
September 2005

Welcome to the latest issue of our Newsletter


1.  Holger Back, our Production Manager,
   wins the German Nationals 2005 18m Class with LS10
2.  Certification Process of LS8-s and LS8-st is done
3.  DEI-NT - Simply Flying - Comments to our question
4.  Three Dimensional Side Views of LS-Gliders
5.  "Fascination DG-1000" - a new Videoclip
6.  Photo of the Month: DG-1000 in Samedan/Switzerland

1. Holger Back, our Production Manager,
   wins the German Nationals 2005 18m Class with LS10

That is really great:
At the beginning of this year I hired a friend to work with us as the
production manager of DG Flugzeugbau.
He was working very hard and - without any special training -
he wins the German Nationals in the 18m Class with our LS10.

Again I like to say my congratulations, as the whole team already did
it after our holidays. And a photo - together with Ralf Fischer, the
2nd winner of the Europeen Championships - also was taken.


Never before gliders made by DG and LS have won so many mayor
contests. Above all the well known LS8 was successful and of course
the outstanding LS10!


2.  Certification Process of LS8-s and LS8-st is done

This is the last step in a long and turbulent story:
The LS8-s and LS8-st is certified now


3.  DEI-NT - Simply Flying - Comments to our question

The first comments to our new development


4.  Three Dimensional Side Views of LS-Gliders

Good news for RC-Modell-Builders:
The LS-Types are also available now.


5.  "Fascination DG-1000" - a new Videoclip


6.  Photo of the Month: DG-1000 in Samedan/Switzerland


We wish you wonderful flights and always happy landings.

Your DG-, LS- and Silence-Team


Silence Ultra Light Aircraft:



Technical Notes for our Gliders:
Please remember that we do not send Technical Notes by snail mail
any longer.
They are published exclusively in our web-site:



Used Aircraft Market:
This is a free-of-charge service given by DG
to help you to buy and sell your used gliders:



The newsletter will be sent to all our customers with e-mail
addresses, to discussion groups like r.a.s, as well as
to all pilots who would like it.

If you are not yet on our mailing list and want to read our
newsletter, please feel free to write a short message
to us with the key-word:
"Newsletters, please" in the subject-line.

If you do not want to receive our newsletter anymore, please
send a short message with the keyword:
"No Newsletters" to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please also tell us, if your e-mail address has changed.

The German Version is under:


The previous Newsletters can be seen at:


If you want to receive the Newsletter in German,
please send us an e-mail with the key word: "Piloten-Info, bitte!".

This newsletter has helped us to grow to a real "DG-Family"!


Always happy landings

Friedel Weber

http://www.dg-flugzeugbau.de http://www.ls-flugzeugbau.de
Manufacturer of High-Performance Sailplanes and Ultra Lights

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Karl-Friedrich Weber, Webmaster) [EMAIL PROTECTED] (DG Flugzeugbau GmbH, Bruchsal)

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