Thanks go to Graeme , Mal and John

What i'm doing is looking at contributing factors outcomes and recomendations of accidents, what better way to do this looking at your own passion and hobby aviation !

Basically based on a CASA model of a series of square plates with a hole in each consisting of about 10 plates and a rod... , when a factor happens the rod is poked through the first plate then as every other factor happens the rod get progressivly passed through the plates untill the last plate lines up and the rod goes through all of the this signalls a fully blown incident/fatality, with this i have to look at incidents and report on outcomes of every plate that moves and the rod goes through.

After all of this has been looked at then i have to design a system of investigating incidents and recomending changes that will protect future people from suffering the same outcome. Assuming human error can be eradicated ( i'll leave tackeling eradication human error untill i retire in 30 years 8-) )

From the info you guy's have posted i should have enough stuff to work with.

In reality i am re inventing the wheel for the 10 millionth time, but its a outcome of the course i have to meet.

Thanks again



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