Hi Ian,
What I can see is that your wife is obviously a very discriminating and sensible woman as she can see that spending a week at Lake Keepit accompanying her husband on an "important and vital week's gliding expedition" can be a most enjoyable holiday for her. Many other wives and families have found the same thing, as the Lakeside facilities of the State Park make a very pleasant alternative to the average dry and dusty gliding field.
At the risk of sounding overly commercial, we've taken the decision to lower our launch rates for this season in the face of increasing fuel prices ($28/2000ft), grant reciprocal member rights to all full GFA pilots, abolish midweek premium rates, and cap charges for hire of club gliders to 4 hours. We have a once a day airfield use charge ($10 midweek and $5 weekend) and a once only (pa) $5 joining fee to cover insurance for visitors.
We have also scheduled a regular program of midweek training courses, offerring the alternatives of a budget "winch-only" course for less than $1000 or a mixture of aerotow and winch for $1490, which both include GFA membership, manuals and accommodation (less $145 for existing GFA members). As well as ab-intio pilots, we've been finding these very popular with low hours pilots wishing to advance more quickly to solo than possible with weekend only training at their home Club. (Of course, if a Club brings its own gliders and instructors to a camp you can do your own training thing.)
These rate changes have been introduced to increase the utilisation of our facilities this year.
We'd love to see you and your group with us again, and obviously will welcome any other Clubs wishing to make Lake Keepit the destination for their summer gliding holday.
Dave Shorter
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Note - no "au" in address)
11 Lighthouse Crescent
Emerald Beach NSW 2456
Ph: (02)6656 1979     Fax: (02)6656 2983
----- Original Message -----
From: Patching
Sent: Monday, July 18, 2005 3:44 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: [Aus-soaring] FLARM

Geoff and Chris,
I have said for many years that there are no such things as "Brownie Points" for glider pilots. I mean what chance do we have? Ruth finally drew the line when I took her to a club camp at Wangaratta. I'm not sure why, I provided a perfectly good 5 person tent with great air mattresses and only expected she help with the shopping and cooking for all the members present, and she was only 7 months pregnant. Dunno why she cracked it with me.
She has since declined to go to any other site other than Bacchus Marsh or some of the bigger sites like Lake Keepit, and only then after I had rented a cabin. I think she would have loved the desert surrounds of Stonefield but I think she saw the pictures.
Other than that I think she is happy to get rid of me, can't say that I blame her.
Cheers to both of you.
Ian P.
Kookaburra Precision Soaring Team
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