>. Apparently someone at a recent QSA meeting
> wanted to abolish the QSA on the grounds that all it actually did was hold
> meetings.

It was I who proposed that,  to concentrate the minds present on whether QSA
was useful.  The motion was not debated as it really is an AGM type motion.
I remember one thing from that meeting was to ask John Fairbairn (President)
to pass onto GFA that we were not happy with AG/SS, now Soaring Australia!

I have been the Airspace Rep for QSA for 18 months  (have only been to that
one meeting as it was at Caboolture) and am going to have our CTAF at
Caboolture changed at last.  My proposal for the change of CTAF was put on
hold as  the  LLAMP proposal suited us.  However, it has been unilaterally
shelved (after two years of  Airservices work on it and close scrutiny of it
by our own Bob Hall) by John Anderson (Min. for Trans) in preference to Dick
Smith's proposal for a National Airspace System modelled on the US system.
When that system comes in, heaven knows, so Airservices are going on with my

I think my role as an airspace officer for Qld is useful to protect our
gliding interests in Qld., but I could be a regional delegate from GFA.


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