Hey all,

I have a Juniper EX3200-24T I don't need... I'd like to swap it for 2 x
EX2200-C if anyone has them laying around who'd prefer an EX3200-24. I will
even throw in a 4 x SFP (4 x 1G) Card (new in box) in with the EX3200.

I have a quiet space I need a couple of quiet switches for.

Contact me off-list if you're interested.


*Skeeve Stevens - Founder & The Architect* - eintellego Networks Pty Ltd
Email: ske...@eintellegonetworks.com ; Web: eintellegonetworks.com

Cell +61 (0)414 753 383 ; Skype: skeeve ; LinkedIn: /in/skeeve
<http://linkedin.com/in/skeeve> ; Expert360: Profile
<https://expert360.com/profile/d54a9> ; Keybase: https://keybase.io/skeeve
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