2020-06-25 11:53:19 +0100, Andrew Josey:
> The review period for 202x Draft 1 commences June 25 2020 and
> completes on August 25 2020. This is a committee review.
> All interested parties are invited to review these comments
> and submit comments directly to the Austin Group. Please use
> the Mantis bug tracker at https://austingroupbugs.net.

I've started to look at the draft myself (I'm mostly interested
in the localisation and shell and utilties sections, in quality
of application writer, not implementor) and started taking
notes. I won't have time to submit mantis tickets, but I can
post inline comments here.

See below for comments (mostly minor) on the XBD section. If
that's useful, I can carry on for the rest of the document (I'll
have less minor ones on the XCU section).

(on the output of pdftotext -layout -nopgbrk 202x_d1.pdf)

> 1042   3.8    Alert
> 1043          To cause the user’s terminal to give some audible or visual 
> indication that an error or some other
> 1044          event has occurred. When the standard output is directed to a 
> terminal device, the method for
> 1045          alerting the terminal user is unspecified. When the standard 
> output is not directed to a terminal
> 1046          device, the alert is accomplished by writing the alert to 
> standard output (unless the utility
> 1047          description indicates that the use of standard output produces 
> undefined results in this case).

Missing a bit of context here. Alert by what? Standard output of
what? I don't get the part of "by writing alert to stdout (alert
being defined above as audible/visual indication) when stdout is
not a terminal".

> 1048   3.9    Alert Character (<alert>)
> 1049          A character that in the output stream should cause a terminal 
> to alert its user via a visual or
> 1050          audible notification. It is the character designated by '\a' in 
> the C language. It is unspecified
> 1051          whether this character is the exact sequence transmitted to an 
> output device by the system to
> 1052          accomplish the alert function.

Same here, what's the relation between "output stream" and

Maybe: a character that in an output stream to a terminal
should cause it to alert its user...

> 1101   3.22    Argument
> 1102           In the shell command language, a parameter passed to a utility 
> as the equivalent of a single
> 1103           string in the argv array created by one of the exec functions. 
> An argument is one of the options,
> 1104           option-arguments, or operands following the command name.
> 1105           Note:     The Utility Argument Syntax is defined in detail in 
> Section 12.1 (on page 195) and XCU Section
> 1106            (on page 2293).

Does/can that include argv[0]?

> 1107           In the C language, an expression in a function call expression 
> or a sequence of preprocessing
> 1108           tokens in a function-like macro invocation.

How about in the bc, awk, m4... languages?

> 1193   3.48        Block-Mode Terminal
> 1194               A terminal device operating in a mode incapable of the 
> character-at-a-time input and output
> 1195               operations described by some of the standard utilities.
> 1196               Note:          Output Devices and Terminal Types are 
> defined in detail in Section 10.2 (on page 179).

Do we really still need to catter for those?

> 2466   3.366 Terminal (or Terminal Device)
> 2467               A character special file that obeys the specifications of 
> the general terminal interface.
> 2468               Note:          The General Terminal Interface is defined 
> in detail in Chapter 11 (on page 181).

"Terminal" (the physical or emulated device that renders
characters on a screen and sends characters based on what a user
types on a keyboard) and "Terminal device" (the character device
file) should be two different entries.

I see the spec in some places use "terminal" for both terminal
and terminal device file (the first to talk of the device that
emits an audible signal upon \a for instance, the second for
"controlling terminal" for instance).

That's confusing.

> 2538   3.385 Upshifting
> 2539               The conversion of a lowercase character that has a 
> single-character uppercase representation into
> 2540               this uppercase representation.

Defined but not used AFAICT.

> 2559   3.388 User Name
> 2560          A string that is used to identify a user; see also Section 
> 3.386 (on page 83). To be portable across
> 2561          systems conforming to POSIX.1-202x, the value is composed of 
> characters from the portable
> 2562          filename character set. The <hyphen-minus> character should not 
> be used as the first character
> 2563          of a portable user name.                                        
>                                      -

Maybe worth a note that it's a bad idea to have all-digit user names.

Maybe "non-empty string".

> 2568   3.390 Variable
> 2569          In the shell command language, a named parameter.
> 2570          Note:     For further information, see XCU Section 2.5 (on page 
> 2274).

How about in other languages (make, m4, awk, bc...)?


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