If u r displaying text from another form, then u need to write condition with the display() for the 2nd text field.Make use of if condition and insert the method name the property field of the 2nd text field.
Yahoo! M
hi shanmug...
i agree with hemant...it should work..
Hav been using the same method too..
Didnt encounter a problem either..
anybody having other suggestions..
Hema Krish
Hemant Kumthekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Create a template for LedgerJournal
We currently run production on SQL 2000 sp4 on Windows server 2003 x64 with
Axapta sp3. For testing we are running Axapta sp3 kr1. We also just
brought up another test environment this week of Axapta sp3 kr1, and SQL
2005 on x64. All work fine.
I don't know if we have rollup on the sql2000
Hi People,
In order to achieve a consolidated report for AR, AP and Inventory, in a
Multi-Company environment, we need data across all the units when i log into
Axapta (Please refer my previous Support Call). This however cannot be
achieved from within Axapta as the AOT allows me to see only the
user goup rights are cumulative. In your example: access to table is perimtted.
But consider that you have
a) function rights (is a user enabled to use menu item e.g. CustTable and in what way)
b) table rights
So if you set up table right full access and menu item right read only
setting up domains and define access rights does solve this problem: users can only choose comanies they have access rights in.
sreenath reddy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:
Try using xDataArea class.
check the method hasaccess()
check the functionality of that class..probably
do you use shipment templates?
yes, it is possible that the wmsorder is automatically added to the
shipment which is reserving at the moment. (should not be possible)
But, it is not reserved then.
yes, it is possible:
- create a new salesline (reserve it manually)
- create the wmsorder (while
Hi sakthi,
U have to use the textChange() (override method) in first text field's methods.
it means,
i have 2 text fields, named as 1)firstTxt 2) secondTxt.
under the firstTxt field's methods use this code
public void textChange()
are you performing the reservation and the activation form the
shipment form?
While the reservation is executed, the picking routes are also
created, and afterwards activated.
Any modifications in
Hello IIan,
Yes they do over-ride, but the opposite way that windows groups do. Axapta
will always go for the most open, so if a user is in two groups, one
restricts table A and the other allows table A, then the allow will be
On 5/10/06, Ilan Gluzman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
i have two text fields if i entered text in first field that
corresponding text should display in second text field,how to perform it?
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Visit www.frappr.com/axapta for axapta friends.
Hi everyone
I am trying to get a bit more in-depth understanding of the cost
accoounting and cost-purpose accounting modules. I have read the
documentation and the distribution/allocation workflow is quite
clear - however, I am unclear how this ties in with the production
module, especially
Hello all together,
has anybody installed an Axapta 3.0 SP3 with the Kernelrollout on an Win2003 Server Releas 2 with 64bit and SQL 2000 SP4 with Rollup??
We can not connect the Axapta on this System.
If connecting from an older System to the SQL Database, Axapta works fine.
[Non-text porti
thanks - as we do not use pallet transports at all, we havent set up
anything for it (including pallet types, standard pallet quantity).
The problem is, that shipment status is "Activated" and we have some picking
routes but in the shipment basis are some orders in status "reserved"
thank u for the solution. it is working. but, i can't specify the
particular line. by default, it is added in the first line of the method.
Hema. S
Hi all,
i got solution for editing method without opening a class. but, i want to
add lines in a particular line in the class method. now, it is added in the
first line of the method. if anyone know the solution, pls. tell me. thank
Hema. S
Sharing the knowledge on Axapta.
a small code sample:
cnt = new Connection();
stmt = cnt.createStatement();
res = stmt.executeQuery(strfmt("EXEC sp_test \'%1\'",itemId));
while (res.next())
temp.Pos = counter;
temp.ItemId = res.getString
the reservations are divided into
-picking routes
-pallet transports (which have to by activated first)
depending on the qty and the standard pallet qty of the item
--- In Axapta-Knowledge-Village@yahoogroups.com, "Kristjan Gerndorf"
> hei
> As I acti
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