Hi All, 
 As i customized the info class  formnotify() to meet the requirement, export 
the customized objects along info class as xpo and imported the same in new 
After the import the AX throws infolog message saying the Error: Recompile the 
script Info\formnotify(). I need to follow the below steps after importing then 
only the issue is getting resolved. 
 1. Recompile or do compile forward for 3 or 4 times 
2. Relauch ax and compile. 
 Is this issue will happen when we write code in info class? 
How to rectify the issue instead of compiling. Because will feel something 
happened wrong. Instead of making the Infologdetail as none in the Tools-> 
options window anyother way to do automatic compiling and not showing the 
infolog error message. 
Is it a known issue? 
Please suggest me on this. 
Appreciate a response. 
Srinath. S 
Sweet Regards,
Srinath. S

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